Please Explain Why is this expectable

Unhealthy people do affect us and what we pay in insurance rates. I do care about that.

Again, this isn't a law about what food can be sold where. Understand what you are arguing about. This is about a zoning ordinance that says that they will not approve any new fast food restuarants to be opened in a certain area. The existing places are fine and can operate as normal. Zoning laws exist all over the place in cities. Having a porn store by a school doesn't affect you, but many cities have a zoning ordinance about what can be opened by a school. Did you look at what the obesity rates are for the area in question? If I remember correctly it is almost double the national average, so that area probably does feel the financial effects of it.

I do understand it; I was attempting (apparently not clearly) to point out the difference between the immediate effect of second-hand smoke, and the long-term effect of obesity. And I did mention insurance rates.

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