Martial Arts Wisdom They Don't Tell You - Insert Proverb Here

Ones they never told me?

Good stances come in far more handy on the uneven street than they do in the dojo.

Those people surrounding you on the street? They are not spectators.

Sparring for the first time against a different style is sparring for the first time.

Bring a good cane to your first kickboxing tournament - it makes it much easier to get home (this is especially true in Bando with the leg kicks).

If you're angry hit the heavy bag - NEVER get in the ring.

Nothing spells defeat like your opponent giggling while in your best chokehold.

The ground is your friend - it's the stones, glass, etc. that hate you.

There are no do-overs, but you can start a-new.
From Royce Gracie:
"Your belt only covers two inches of your ***, it's your job to protect the rest."

I love this one!
I use the same signiture on my e-mail that I use here, most people think it's a joke but we've all seen the person who's too busy telling everyone what they can do or how they would do it to listen to the instructor.
There are brilliant martial artists and there are brilliant teachers... and then there are those who are both.

Self defence is for those 30 seconds when you are fighting for your life. Martial arts is for the rest of your life.
  • If you fight, cheat. If you get caught you weren't cheating hard enough.
  • "Look! A naked bird!" *schklork* <- Sound of knife being stuck into listener :D
  • It's fighting, not folk dancing
  • Be the bullfighter, not the bull
  • Strive to attain the calm confidence of a Christian with four aces
  • "I'm the meanest toughest S.O.B. on the planet, and in every truck stop in America there's someone who can pin me to the wall and beat me to death." -- attributed to "Judo" Gene LeBell
  • "That's nice, Stevie, but can he fight?" -- my Silat teacher's grandmother whenever he told her about a new martial arts teacher he was thinking of studying with
"Avoid rather than harm, harm rather than maim, maim rather than kill." - A saying that my uncle passed onto me from his closest friend, who is a high-ranking Aikido practicioner
  • Someone who is pissed off will hurt you. Someone who is scared and believes his back is to the wall will kill you.

Thats similar to "a man who fears you is more dangerous than a man that hates you" (old jailhouse proverb there)

An old italian once told me whilst in jail, "never ask a man to shoot you"

"Life is all about sacrifice"

"Never take another mans food"

"If you start eating ****, pretty soon you're gonna start choking" Utah State deathrow inmate Troy Kell. Many famous quotes by Troy Kell can be found in "Gladiator Days the anatomy of a prison murder," a documentary by HBO.

Famous last words, "taaaaap,"in desperation, instructor, "oh you dont have any arms to tap with" upon being rolled onto my belly arms underneath...

"Shes not a cur," "yes she is look at how she sits under the table all cowered down like that" a friend of mine trying to tell me his boxer pup was not a cur, honestly i think he thought he had found a new word i didn't know the definition to.

"You guys alright back there?" A drunken friend of mine talking to empty space in a stolen car going down the wrong side of the road whilst we were teenagers in the middle of the night...

"Don't tempt the lord thy god"
My student tells me I am the first person to say this, personally, I think I heard it somewhere. Anyway it goes: "If you really want something you will move heaven and earth to make it happen, if you don't want it, you will make excuses."

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