I was also being sarcastic, looking through the eyes of an idiot I came across. Thankfully it wasn't a parent in either dojo I've trained in.
There's no shortage of delusional and idiotic parents out there, that's for sure.
And I think we're moving away from the helicopter parents generation, and moving into what my boss called the "snow plow parents." The snow plow parents don't just hover over watching everything, their mentality is push everything in their path out of the way for their child. The rules and obstacles to success still apply to everyone else, just not their kids.
An example: the (academic) school I teach at has the rule that parents aren't allowed past the lobby (pre-k 3 and 4 are the exception). They drop their kids off in the lobby, the kids gather in the gymnasium attached to the lobby, then the kids all walk to class with the teachers. We have an interesting parent who thinks it's a great idea for everyone else but her. She feels entitled to be allowed to walk her 5th grade twin daughters and 7th grade son to the classroom. "My kids have anxiety!" is her battle cry. Funny thing is, on the odd day that their father drops them off, he waves good bye from the lobby like every other parent, and the kids get along just fine. When my boss finally put her foot down after some insane things this mother did and enforced the rule, the mother was seen crying in her car every morning and afternoon by several parents and students. Who's anxiety was the parent addressing?
There's plenty more examples of psychosis I could cite by this new breed of parents. They make us miss the helicopter parents dearly.