Martial Arts for Law Enforcement...

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In your eyes they were already wrong. It is evident in your words that you have been conditioned to believe this from birth.
It is this kind thinking and people who are being racist. I am so very sick of the entitled mentality.
God help this country when we have to fight for our liberty's again with people like you. We have no chance against a substantial enemy.
You sir offend and disgust me.
If you do a crime then you are wrong.
If you see a crime and you don't report it then you are wrong
If your government allows this type of behavior to thrive then they have screwed you.

So this is what offends you? This is why I disgust you? Sounds like a personal problem. As far as my entitlement mentality. Why don't you tell me what I think I'm entitled to?
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If you do a crime then you are wrong.
If you see a crime and you don't report it then you are wrong
If your government allows this type of behavior to thrive then they have screwed you.

So this is what offends you? This is why I disgust you? Sounds like a personal problem. As far as my entitlement mentality. Why don't you tell me what I think I'm entitled to?

Your writings are dripping with a socialist mentality that expects someone else, particularly government to do Everything for you. This disgust me. The freedoms we have fought for is so we can freely do for ourselves, with minimal government intervention.
Your first three sentences are common knowledge for most thinking people. However, in minds like yours, once you apply the word 'police' all police are guilty of all three all the time. This disgust me.
By your very words, you make it evident that you fully believe the things some 'protesters' are doing, which are clearly illegal, are warranted and justified. This disgust me.

See, I do not know you at all. But you have already conditioned me to not like you. This is what the so called activitism is doing enmasse. You may be able to trace your ancestry back to someone being a slave. So what? The wrong was corrected a Long time ago. What does this have to do with your life today? Or anyone you know?

I live in middle TN. Redneck USA. A Lot of Black and Hispanic people live here and we all interact everyday. We have to and I don't see anyone keeping score. You might surprised to know that white is also a COLOR. I do not know or even see anyone who give two shxt's what color a person is. Color has zero to do with it. Do your job and treat others as you wish to be treated. A BIG thing I see the protesters NOT doing.
It is wrong to try to make people feel bad for you because you are 'colored'. This disgust me. This is a distinct form of racism that is living large. Any and every infraction is turned and twisted to fit the agenda.
When will people figure out that this is the mentality that has to change? This mentality that has the social climate frozen in the past.
This would be a functional issue. If police are that drained after work, then that's an issue that should be addressed as well. Will they be hard days, yes. Everyone has difficult and crappy days. But everyone needs to the opportunity "to empty the bucket" if this doesn't happen then things build up and performance suffers. This brings us to the concept that may police shouldn't be handling every disturbance. Maybe create a separate department that helps lighten the load so that police officers can be used in more urgent matters. What can be done to reduce the drain? Are there calls that police answer and when they get on the scene think "why am I called for this crap?" Instead of having officers do everything. Start determining what officers should actually be dealing with.

The is a VERY long topic question of "appropriate use of police". I have also been in this field 23 years, one of the studies I remember seeing recently in a class on "emotional survival" was that it takes the average officer 2 weeks for his/her body to "reset" back to what it should be (fight/flight drains, hyper-vigilance drains etc.) So, exhaustion is a very real thing and unlike the military you don't get a "tour of duty" and then rotate out to de-stress.

Police do get called for things that we didn't get called for when I started in this field. For example, parents not being able to control their 7 year old child and make him go to school. Not kidding, we get these types of calls all the time because Johnny doesn't want to go to school. This is one area where I agree a better community resource should be contacted.

Police should only be used in a criminal matter or a public safety matter (accidents etc.)
Your writings are dripping with a socialist mentality that expects someone else, particularly government to do Everything for you.
Gettysburg address "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"

If I'm a socialist then so is Abraham Lincoln. Government provides services for the people. That's why government exists. When call for emergency services it's your government that provides it, When you drive on roads and highways, it's your government that builds and maintains them. When you enjoy a park, it's the government that has provided it. When you want to be safe from foreign invaders it's the government who answers that call. When kids want to go to schools and colleges, it's the government that provides that funding. When want clean water to come into your house. It's the Government that provides it.

When big corporations need assistance for when the country goes through economic crisis then it's the government that provides. When you want safe Air travel, it's the government that makes those regulations. When you want safe food and drugs, it's the government that makes those regulations so business do not take advantage of the citizens. When farmer need assistance then it's the government that provides it. When you want clean air, fair judicial systems, and land management. The government works at it. You don't even get a vaccine unless the government says so. It's clear you don't know the function of the government.

You may be able to trace your ancestry back to someone being a slave. So what? The wrong was corrected a Long time ago.
Totally clueless, that stuff hasn't been corrected. If that was the case the Confederate flags and statues would have come down long ago. If that was the case we wouldn't have white people still dressing in black face and pictures of President Obama hanging from a noose. How do you even correct the enslavement of a people? Have you even thought of that?

I do not know or even see anyone who give two shxt's what color a person is. Color has zero to do with it. Do your job and treat others as you wish to be treated.
Well obviously you do. Here you are bringing up color. For something you say that doesn't matter you sure get upset about it. You even stated that White is a COLOR as if you were left out of game on the playground.

It is wrong to try to make people feel bad for you because you are 'colored'
Maybe people feel bad about some the things that black people go through because, they see that it bad and not just. Maybe the people who feel bad are good at heart and want everyone to be treated equally under the law. Just maybe. People who feel bad about the hardships of other people, feel bad because they care about others.

When will people figure out that this is the mentality that has to change? This mentality that has the social climate frozen in the past.
I ask the same question when I hear "Go back from where you come from" or when I see white highschool kids dress in black face for the purpose of insulting black people.

You have a lot of soul searching to do.
I question the need for most cops to carry guns. Firefighters don't pack heat, nor are the EMTs, but they report to the same accident scenes as cops. Social workers are carrying sidearms, and they work with people who are homeless, often addicted to drugs and/or suffering from mental illness. Most of what cops do is show up after a crime has occurred and take a report. They don't need to be armed to do that, IMO.

All that said, in your opinion, what do you think of the 8 can't wait campaign? Do you think the policies and training suggested by those guys would help? Seems reasonable to me as a starting point.

8 Can't Wait

This is incorrect information. Fightfighters and EMT's literally will not go into many scenes until it is cleared by LEO's, traffic accidents are the exception and not the rule for those responses.

It depends on your department and jurisdiction. There are some agencies that you respond to take a complaint after it has happened. But, there are many that you are responding to things in progress. There are some agencies that use a "TRU" telephone response unit that can take a call over the phone, for example, a car/deer accident which is very common in Michigan. Some agencies use their "cadets" to take certain property crimes or serve papers.
@Steve, what in the world do you think is funny about any of this?
Dxxk move.
As an FYI, intentionally posting in such a way as to get around the site profanity filters is against the rules.
This is incorrect information. Fightfighters and EMT's literally will not go into many scenes until it is cleared by LEO's, traffic accidents are the exception and not the rule for those responses.

It depends on your department and jurisdiction. There are some agencies that you respond to take a complaint after it has happened. But, there are many that you are responding to things in progress. There are some agencies that use a "TRU" telephone response unit that can take a call over the phone, for example, a car/deer accident which is very common in Michigan. Some agencies use their "cadets" to take certain property crimes or serve papers.
a firefighter wonā€™t fight a fire without being cleared by LEO? That seems odd. EMTs wonā€™t leave their ambulance unless cops first clear the house? So, if I have a heart attack and my wife calls 911, the EMT will wait outside until the police get there with their guns and clear the house? If thatā€™s true, itā€™s worse than I thought.
For example, parents not being able to control their 7 year old child and make him go to school. Not kidding, we get these types of calls all the time because Johnny doesn't want to go to school.
See that's crazy to me. Someone else needs to handle that like a Parenting support coach. I wouldn't want to deal with the stress of dealing with criminals and assisting people who are need and to have all of that stress built up and never released. Only to have to deal with a screaming kid. That's nuts to me. Police shouldn't be asked to do things like that. Kids are there own special kinds of stress and if you have to deal with that on top of stress back up. yeah.. not good at all That's asking too much for a police officer. Too many job roles. It's stuff like this makes me say that Management is wrong.

When police officers get sent to the academy, what are they trained on. If child development isn't part of their training then they don't need to be out there dealing with wild kids and other stuff like that. Even with domestic disputes. There should be A relationship counselor or someone that deals with those conflicts. As long as the situation is just screaming and yelling, then send that person in. The only thing the Police should be doing is sitting the background watching to make sure things don't get dangerous.

Police should only be used in a criminal matter or a public safety matter (accidents etc.)
Completely agree. I even think accidents should be limited to certain types of accidents. If duties can be spread out to different departments, then the Police can start getting some of that time back for training and for taking care of that mental and emotional trauma they go through.
As an FYI, intentionally posting in such a way as to get around the site profanity filters is against the rules.
a firefighter wonā€™t fight a fire without being cleared by LEO? That seems odd. EMTs wonā€™t leave their ambulance unless cops first clear the house? So, if I have a heart attack and my wife calls 911, the EMT will wait outside until the police get there with their guns and clear the house? If thatā€™s true, itā€™s worse than I thought.
With the way things are being pushed and the mentality of the mainstream I would not be surprised or blame them at all.
Gettysburg address "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth"

If I'm a socialist then so is Abraham Lincoln. Government provides services for the people. That's why government exists. When call for emergency services it's your government that provides it, When you drive on roads and highways, it's your government that builds and maintains them. When you enjoy a park, it's the government that has provided it. When you want to be safe from foreign invaders it's the government who answers that call. When kids want to go to schools and colleges, it's the government that provides that funding. When want clean water to come into your house. It's the Government that provides it.

When big corporations need assistance for when the country goes through economic crisis then it's the government that provides. When you want safe Air travel, it's the government that makes those regulations. When you want safe food and drugs, it's the government that makes those regulations so business do not take advantage of the citizens. When farmer need assistance then it's the government that provides it. When you want clean air, fair judicial systems, and land management. The government works at it. You don't even get a vaccine unless the government says so. It's clear you don't know the function of the government.

Totally clueless, that stuff hasn't been corrected. If that was the case the Confederate flags and statues would have come down long ago. If that was the case we wouldn't have white people still dressing in black face and pictures of President Obama hanging from a noose. How do you even correct the enslavement of a people? Have you even thought of that?

Well obviously you do. Here you are bringing up color. For something you say that doesn't matter you sure get upset about it. You even stated that White is a COLOR as if you were left out of game on the playground.

Maybe people feel bad about some the things that black people go through because, they see that it bad and not just. Maybe the people who feel bad are good at heart and want everyone to be treated equally under the law. Just maybe. People who feel bad about the hardships of other people, feel bad because they care about others.

I ask the same question when I hear "Go back from where you come from" or when I see white highschool kids dress in black face for the purpose of insulting black people.

You have a lot of soul searching to do.

Nope. My conscious is clear. How foolish for you to not understand that government only works because hard working men and women give in this country forfeit 36% to 52% of their earnings to fund government. You confirmed just how truly clueless you are and how strong your entitled mentality goes. The level of your ignorance about how things operate is astounding.
I don't know what world you live in but no one is paying the way for the kids I know to go to school. Maybe that is one of the free rides your race is getting?
I cannot think of a President who hasn't had their picture hanging from a noose at some point so singling out any one President is just lame.
You obviously chose to ignore it but I mentioned white to make the point that color is meaningless unless you have an agenda, which clearly you do. Mine is simply to speak out in a similar manner to the protester; about a wrong that need to be righted. I cannot fix your problems and you cannot fix mine, nor should we expect it from each other. Clean up your own house; it is not the governments job.
It is pointless to go into my families joy in giving of our time and finances to people in need. Clearly you would just twist it into something it is not.

Best thing for you do to is block me it you do not want my opinions. I could keep going if you wish.
How foolish for you to not understand that government only works because hard working men and women give in this country forfeit 36% to 52% of their earnings to fund government.
That's what this means "Gettysburg address "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" what I posted earlier.

I don't know what world you live in but no one is paying the way for the kids I know to go to school.
This is in the US. So I guess you don't live in the US.

How Are Public Funds Diverted to Private Schools?
Public resources have historically been diverted to private schools in myriad ways. From tax exemptions to grants, legislators have found creative ways to funnel taxpayer dollars into private schools. Over the last few years, the nation has seen the rise of vouchers and tax credits, and most recently, education savings accounts. These policies have primarily afflicted the South, though that has slowly been changing. New York State in 2015, for example, was considering a proposal to enact tax credit scholarships.
How Are Public Funds Diverted to Private Schools? - Southern Education Foundation

The Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program provides tuition scholarships to children who desire to attend private K-12 schools. When making application to a participating school for receipt of a GOAL Scholarship, families must provide proof of eligibility.
Eligibility Requirements

Maybe that is one of the free rides your race is getting?
Nothing free about the ride. People pay taxes then that
I cannot fix your problems and you cannot fix mine, nor should we expect it from each other. Clean up your own house; it is not the governments job.

money goes to public school and private schools which service more than just my race. For college and higher education most Black Americans pay out of pocket or through school loans.

You don't rack up debt by getting free rides
1. 86.6% of black students borrow federal loans to attend four-year colleges, compared to 59.9% of white students.
9 startling facts that show just how hard the student-debt crisis is hurting Black Americans

I cannot fix your problems and you cannot fix mine, nor should we expect it from each other. Clean up your own house; it is not the governments job.
Nobody ask you to fix anything. Why would I ask you to fix something that involves me or anyone else that I care about? Yep we clean up our own house. USA. sweep sweep.

It is pointless to go into my families joy in giving of our time and finances to people in need. Clearly you would just twist it into something it is not.
That's up to you. If you want to talk about the good your family does then do it. You don't need my permission. You didn't need my permission to spew your nonsense. Using me as an excuse as to why you don't speak good about your family is WEAK.

Best thing for you do to is block me it you do not want my opinions
I have no intention to block you. When I see something wrong. I speak out. I don't remain silent.
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That's what this means "Gettysburg address "that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth" what I posted earlier.

This is in the US. So I guess you don't live in the US.

How Are Public Funds Diverted to Private Schools?
Public resources have historically been diverted to private schools in myriad ways. From tax exemptions to grants, legislators have found creative ways to funnel taxpayer dollars into private schools. Over the last few years, the nation has seen the rise of vouchers and tax credits, and most recently, education savings accounts. These policies have primarily afflicted the South, though that has slowly been changing. New York State in 2015, for example, was considering a proposal to enact tax credit scholarships.
How Are Public Funds Diverted to Private Schools? - Southern Education Foundation

The Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program provides tuition scholarships to children who desire to attend private K-12 schools. When making application to a participating school for receipt of a GOAL Scholarship, families must provide proof of eligibility.
Eligibility Requirements

Nothing free about the ride. People pay taxes then that

money goes to public school and private schools which service more than just my race. For college and higher education most Black Americans pay out of pocket or through school loans.

You don't rack up debt by getting free rides
1. 86.6% of black students borrow federal loans to attend four-year colleges, compared to 59.9% of white students.
9 startling facts that show just how hard the student-debt crisis is hurting Black Americans

Nobody ask you to fix anything. Why would I ask you to fix something that involves me or anyone else that I care about? Yep we clean up our own house. USA. sweep sweep.

That's up to you. If you want to talk about the good your family does then do it. You don't need my permission. You didn't need my permission to spew your nonsense. Using me as an excuse as to why you don't speak good about your family is WEAK.

I have no intention to block you. When I see something wrong. I speak out. I don't remain silent.

Yeah, the funding you are talking about is only at the state level. Federal funds cannot be used in that manner. On average families pay more than double in tuition and such And still pay the same taxes everyone else does. Vouchers, when available equate to 8% to18% of just tuition cost. Vouchers are maxed at 10% of the student population and not equitable among schools. Some years a school may not have any.
You are trying to paint a false primrose path I guess to fit your agenda. It just doesn't exist. I started to list several sites that counter much of what your site says but what it the point. You would just consider it misinformation.

Having to borrow money is the individuals problem. Earning it before hand or paying as you go is much more logical and sound. If you know the debt is coming and you don't want it then figure out ways to avoid it, like getting a job at 14 like me and my son both did. Why it this so hard to figure out? Our son was on full scholarship for 3 years and it still cost Him a substantial amount which he paid in full before graduating. I assure you if he can then anyone else can if they have the desire.

Statistically those numbers may be true but they are misleading. If a kid has to do it on his own And finishes school And fully pays the debt I say good on them. But they did it the hard way.

You are asking. You are asking for government to do everything for you. Those are my tax dollars as well. You are not an excuse but an example of the entitled problem.
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