Martial Arts Experience

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Originally posted by Klondike93

Could you please educate me on what RMA stands for.


RMA = rec.martial-arts

It's the exceedingly crappy USENET newsgroup devoted to general martial arts talk.

If you've never seen it, do yourself a favor and don't bother.

I have study the following either with formal training or by books.

Formal Training
Kempojujutsu (8 Years)
Tracy kenpo (1 year)
Shudokan Karate (4 Years)
Tae Kwon Do (6 months)
Shootfighting (1 Year)
Grappling (8 Years) *This includes many different arts.
Kobudo Arts (5 Years) * This includes many different weapons.
AikiJuJutsu (1 Year)

Arts that I have study by Book
Small Circle Jujutsu
RyuKyu Kempo Jutsu
Jeet Kune Do
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Chin Na
Tai Chi

Bob Thomas:asian:
ok, my first formal training was in Sin Moo Hapkido 5 hrs./week for 2yrs. after an injury a 1yr. sloth then Yip Man Wing Chun 8hrs./week for 9yrs. (still hooked on it) during which i met a student of Balintawak Cuentada Escrima so for 5yrs. i drove 3hrs. one way on the weekends to train with them. i just started in Wudang Mountain 108 Taijiquan because i need to learn to relax more.........oh, and i snag up every book by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming that i can get my hands on..............respects.
This thread is getting HUGE! I guess I might as well add myself to the masses.

-Start MA in 1981 under Lee Wedlake in EPAK. 1 1/2 years.
-From 1983-1990, trained and experimented in several systems. Tracy Kenpo, Jujuitsu/Judo, TKD, Hapkido. About 4 yrs. training time.
-From !991 to present, Saviano's White Tiger Kenpo System, from the John McSweeney branch. Received my BB in 1994.

I stayed with the last system because it seemed to fit me the best. I was lucky to have Lee Wedlake as my first teacher because he gave me a very positive first experience in the martial arts. His example of a good teacher, teaching a good system, helped me during my years of MA experimentation.

I'll be testing for my 3rd this year. As long as my shoulder, knee, or other foolish injury doesn't hold me back again!
Hi Icepick,
I started in the martail arts in 1964 in wing chun. Traditional Wing Chun does not have belt ranks.

I hold Black belt ranks in Korean Tang Soo Do 7th Dan
Korean Tae Kwon Do ITF Oh Do Kwan 3rd Dan
Okinawan Shorin-ryu 2nd Dan
and the rest are 1st Dans
Okinawan Goju-ryu
Japanese Shoto-kan
Japanese Shito-ryu
Americanfreestyle(Joe Corley)

I am the founder of Tae Su Jutsu. I love the arts, all of them.
There is so much we can learn from each other.

My list isn't quite as extensive as some others

Started Tae Kwon Do in '83
Still in Tae Kwon Do
Hapkido 26 years Black Belt
Tae Kwon Do 2 years Brown Belt
Chinese Kenpo 1.5 years Purple Belt
Additional study in:
Sil Lum Gung Fu
Wing Chun Gung Fu
Won Hop Kuen Do
Cerrada Excrima
Tang Soo Do
Hi Arnisador,
Is there anything you would like to know in particualr, or just general info about Tae Su Jutsu. :)

I only ask because the last time some made the statement "tell us more", I ended up giving him more info than he wanted. LOL :D

Thanks for the welcome. This seems to be a nice forum. I am sure I will enjoy it here.

Originally posted by shihantae

Is there anything you would like to know in particualr, or just general info about Tae Su Jutsu.

Why not start with some general info. on why you created it and what its characteristic features are, plus possibly some links? If you've explained elsewhere please just point me to that.
My *very* humble offerings, especially in relation to some others on this list!!

Kenpo (just over 10 years)
Escrima (4 years, on/off--in combo with kenpo)
Iaido (1 year "officially", 3 years total playing)
Various kobudo (nunchaku, bo, sai) (4 years on/off)
Nike-do (the art of running away) (32 years)
Repartee (verbal combat) (30 years)

I do a lot of research and reading, and play with concepts quite a bit. I also like to bounce concepts and ideas off of my wife, a Chen Tai Chi practitioner. She is trying to get me into pressure points, but I think I am much too thick to get those down right now...:D

Hi arnisador,

I would think that anyone who starts an arts, is to offer their students a broader education than they recieved. :)

Tae Su Jutsu, contains the techniques of Wing Chun, Tang Soo do, tae Kwon do, and Americacan freestyle.

My purpose was as stated above. Most systems are limited to what the teach their student. I have never been one that thought that just one style had all the answers, or is the best system. I feel all are good, and serve their purpose.

However, most are becoming to tournament oriented. Tradidtional schools spend to much time drilling people in line drills on just kisck or puches, or what ever, I teach fighting sets. from the get go.
The student learns to combine block punches and kicks, from day one. That way, they can defend themselves enough to get out of a situation, instead of having to wait so long. It was a matter of choice, and for my students, not for personal gain of fame.

I teach weapons, and we use live blades(Adults only. I teach forms differently than the other schools. The uniquesness is in how I teach.

I had to put all of that down on paper in order to get a system certification. Tae Su Jutsu is geared fro the street first competition second. :D

I advise my students, or prespective students to shop around first and ask questions, before they make a decision as to whether or not they want to stduy my style.

One of the bigger differences is I woud say, is compared to most other schools, is that no matter what age a child is when they start, they cannot even think of testing for BB until they are at least 16. Most I have tested when they are 18. only one has test at 16, and that was an exception. I do not sell belts, to make me or my school look good, they either pass or they don't.
The student and the parent know this before they join, and so far no complaints.

If anyone who read this post thinks I am going to say mine is the best system, forget it. As I stated before there is no such thing. what it really boils down to is what is best for the person taking it.

I hope this helps a little..if you have more questions. feel free to post, or better e-mail. I am busy working on the tapes and student manuals, and at the mometn do not have a lot of time to post online.

I had to put all of that down on paper in order to get a system certification.

Who did you get certification from and how did you go about doing it all? I have a friend with the same kind of thinking and has more or less created his own style too.

Thanks shihantae for the info.! When you have more time I'd be curious to hear how you merged Wing Chun and TSD/TKD. Did you adopt the leaning-back Wing Chun stance for example? It would seem that that would be a poor fit with TKD-style kicking.

What does the name Tae Su Jutsu mean?
Hi Anisador,
I use freestyle stances. not Wingchun. :)

Nothing is hard to adapt if you really want to do it. I use hand techniques and other things from Wing Chun, just as I do fro the TSD and TKD. It was not a system that was developed over night. that is for sure. lol

Anyway, got ot go. I will talk to you later.

I'm new here! :)

I've been doing Aikido for nearly 2 years. I'm not too good at it but I love it. I'm 5th kyu.

I hope to look into Kuk Sool Won soon to see what it's like and maybe I'll try that too! ;)

Robyn :wavey:
Greetings to all !

Well I would have to ask if street fighting
with no real instructor other than life and
lots of hard knocks count? If so then for an
almost life time ;~)

My official training began in 1986 with Modern
Arnis. I currently am pleased to hold the rank
of Lakan Tatlo (3rd)

I have been training in Balintawak for about
four and a half years. Monong Ted Bout

I do have a question for the CIA Chewbacca.
He says he was influenced by Tim Hartman Arnis.
I thought Mr Hartman was and does teach Modern
Arnis? Not trying to start something, just
curious of your reason for stating it that way?


I do have a question for the CIA Chewbacca.
He says he was influenced by Tim Hartman Arnis.
I thought Mr Hartman was and does teach Modern
Arnis? Not trying to start something, just
curious of your reason for stating it that way?

I think he was saying Tim Hartman was his Arnis influence.

I base this on that I know Dr Gyi 's l;ast name isnt Bando. :D