No disrespect intended to anyone's Instructor. For myself when first embarking upon the study of Nihon Goshin Aikido liitle did I know that it would be the beginning of a 26 year odyssey into the history of Martial Arts. And IMHO an art with a tangible thread to history and cullture, be it Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Indonesian, etc., is an important aspect to learning. I am extremely sceptical of newly found arts and styles unless they have a legitimate legacy and heritage. Since over time I have seen many, many "Take the Do[ugh]" schools and teachers that shamelessly have done nothing more than line their own pockets and satiate their own egos, and never cared one wit for the well-being of their students. One teacher I know has admitted to his senior students that he "acts" in front of a class to convince his students, and the parents watching him to convince them that he is sincere and cares about them. How nice! But, always remember: "Caveat emtor." Good luck in your odyssey.