Martial arts and the male ego on the outside

  • Thread starter Thread starter Battousai
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I work with a bunch of yoyo's. So i empathise with everone here. I usually get the "You don't no nothing"; "I know gun fu"; They pick up a bar or fire extinguisher and say " Now, what are you going to do"; or the usual whaaaaaaa! So, i do a wrist or fingertip push-up demonstration on concrete or rocks or break a concrete block or brick when available on the property and ask them to do it also. They back off and say, "i'am not going to hurt myself"! So, far i have broken 3 concrete with tile on top slabs and 5 bricks on the job. I wear Dragon Kenpo T-Shirt, Dragon Kenpo-jujitsu Hat, or My Yi Yi Yin Ki T- Shirt in public. Most people though shy away and do not ask questions at all. Sometimes the stroe clerk will ask what stye it is, or what martial art is it. Not many people have heard of Kenpo Karate where i live, yet there is a Tracy School here also. I guess this is an advantage living in a rough neighborhood. Most people or potential attackers look the other way. Though, i try to respect everyone no matter who they are or what type of person they are! So, i guess Martial Virtue does a body good. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
i agree that the best answer is to not give one. i do not try to expain myself or my art to people who have the wrong concept of the martial arts. it's not worth my time.

if i come across someone that says he knows a 16th degree triple black belt in kickyourbutt-jutsu i say "cool".

i know the difference but im not gonna start a conversation about something that i know wont have any possitve outcome.

i tend to only discuss my art with others that train, unless someone else is genuinely intersted.

im also not into public demonstrations. i do not advertise that i am a martial artist and dont do flashy moves to impress people. to me that is a disrespect to my art.
I like the idea of a MA who trains by himself and never in public so the unsuspecting attacker or anyone does not know that he is a master of the martial arts. Avoids fights and has a smirk on his face that only suddly lets the attacker know that if he tries anything he is going to get whooped. I usually imagine fights going on with people in my class's at school, you know like a coreoographer and such. Like if they do this then I do this pow type stuff. It entertains me when I"m bored in class. Now back to the subject of what I was talking about. I don't like public demonstrations just because I'm a generally shy person and don't like to draw attention to myself and I don't like to sociallize alot with people I don't know. So that is a reason why I agree with Shinzu.
I have a brother-in-law who thinks he is a bad a**. He came over to pick up his kids (my wife was babysitting). I happened to be going through my sparring gear when he came over. He said, "I used to take karate." (for 2 months) "we'll have to spar sometime." Well, I just happened to have an extra pair of gloves. I threw them to him and said, "Let's go." He just stared at me and replied, "Wh wh what, now?" I said, "Sure, why not." Well of coarse he had to leave.
That's exactly how you have to handle those kinds of people...even friends and family. If you don't hurt them just a lil they will never respect or understand your martial art. I wish all you had to do was demonstrate a technique but they never think it would work until they are on the receiving end of it full force. Might sound harsh but its always worked for me! "Uhm, hey ok? Get up Grandpa!"

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
So, i do a wrist or fingertip push-up demonstration on concrete or rocks or break a concrete block or brick when available on the property and ask them to do it also. They back off and say, "i'am not going to hurt myself"! So, far i have broken 3 concrete with tile on top slabs and 5 bricks on the job. I wear Dragon Kenpo T-Shirt, Dragon Kenpo-jujitsu Hat, or My Yi Yi Yin Ki T- Shirt in public.

I have a question on this. When you publicize in these ways, aren't you inviting negative reactions to the fact that you train?
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

That's exactly how you have to handle those kinds of people...even friends and family. If you don't hurt them just a lil they will never respect or understand your martial art. I wish all you had to do was demonstrate a technique but they never think it would work until they are on the receiving end of it full force. Might sound harsh but its always worked for me! "Uhm, hey ok? Get up Grandpa!"

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Sorry, but I must disagree with your post as well as the one before. I don't care about my friends or family respecting or understanding my MA. I give respect, and I expect respect as a person. I like being around other MA's, and I will discuss, share, and maybe demonstrate if it enhances understanding. Public displays, are done for the benefit of that persons ego. They may think otherwise, they are just fooling themselves or using excuces to justify it to them selves.

Now there are occasions when a friend or family member may attack you, most likely in play, to test you. In those rare incidents, you may have to give a physical reminder that you don't play.
Thats what I was talking about.. thats what this whole thread is about. People throwing techniques at you to "test you karate", I said that the only way to handle that was to use a technique on them ONCE. I didn't write anywere that I was out there demonstrating my martial skills for the sake of my ego.

You kinda sound like an unexperienced martial artist.... Ive been in the martial arts 12 years and whenever someone finds out about it it's the same ol "oh ya? that stuff doesn't really work!" and that's fine...until they throw a strike at my head at which point I almost break their wrist. After that they never joke again and we can become friends. Your probably going to tell me you've been in the arts 20 years now or something so... maybe it's just the area you live in. Maybe everyone there is alot nicer.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Thats what I was talking about.. thats what this whole thread is about. People throwing techniques at you to "test you karate", I said that the only way to handle that was to use a technique on them ONCE. I didn't write anywere that I was out there demonstrating my martial skills for the sake of my ego.

You kinda sound like an unexperienced martial artist.... Ive been in the martial arts 12 years and whenever someone finds out about it it's the same ol "oh ya? that stuff doesn't really work!" and that's fine...until they throw a strike at my head at which point I almost break their wrist. After that they never joke again and we can become friends. Your probably going to tell me you've been in the arts 20 years now or something so... maybe it's just the area you live in. Maybe everyone there is alot nicer.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Don't feel that I was trying to single you out. I probably misunderstood your post. As far as the public displays thing, I was talking about some of the other posts on this thread.

Yes, I've had the same crap about the "that stuff doesn't work". I usually avoid those morons. Yes, I've also had to "remind" some about not "playing around" with me. Nope, not new to MA. Not quite 20 years yet.;)
That's kool

Sounds like your friends and family are much nicer and have alot more respect for each other. I no longer have bad friends like that anymore but I used for family I can't get rid of them.. just avoid them.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
When someone throws a punch at your face, grabbing it and breaking their wrists seems almost like an exaggeration from movies that I've seen. I mean come on now? I doubt you obtain the strength required to hold someone's hand while parrying away another punch with your other arm. I mean it is possible and you'll probably tell me that I just don't know, but usually if someone grabbed my wrist ;0 and I do box. I'd usually follow with a straight right to the face considering I chose to throw a left hook if I was standing close enough to someone in my face. This is just something that varies but I doubt that you could hold my wrist while I stood there and you broke it. Basically I would be hitting you in the face and kick the side of your knee ;0 Thank you for your time I might sound arrogant but I know what I've seen and even skilled martial artists get beat by the crazed amateur.
You just don't know and you sound arrogant. I wasn't hypothesizing or guessing, I was stating what I have actually done. When I intercepted their punch I put them in a wristlock/armbar and CHOSE not to break their wrist because I'm a nice guy. I had them in the lock and let go when they were completely helpless. Thanks for you input.

P.S. I box too

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Um you may think I sound arrogant when in actuality I might know what I'm talking about. I'm just saying that I would like to see you put me in a wrist lock while I don't fight back. Also which were you going to break? The wrist or the arm? I'm just saying this to point out if it is so easy to do arm locks(which it isn't whatsoever easy to do arm locks) the sparring competitions(not full contact) you would see alot more locks and you usually do not see any. Also I would like to know what arm lock you put the guy in? Just so I can visualize what happend. You may not think this to be important but to say something as silly as something throwing a punch and you could of broken your arm but since your such a nice guy makes you seem arrogant :) How do you not know the guy was playing with you? Letting you put him in the armlock so you think you have an edge on him but one day you try the same arm lock or a different arm lock and he surprises you with a counter and a knee to the stomach or strike to the face :) I just don't like B.S. stories that would never happen.

Did you ever stop to think that the person attacking him may not be a boxer or martial artist. You are basing your argument on if that technique would work on you. The person attacking him might have thrown a "John Wayne" punch at him. Had he been attacked by a boxer, he would have done something entirely different.

I've read your other posts to get a better picture of who you are. I myself am not fond of TKD, but that is my preference. I still try to respect the individuals of all systems. I'm sure there are people here who think what I do, Kenpo, is not for them (can't think of a good reason why not:D ).

I'm just saying that I would like to see you put me in a wrist lock while I don't fight back.

My point is, don't challenge people you don't know. You may not realize it, but that is what you are doing
I forgot to suggest this before, as it has worked very well for me when some egotistical ****head starts boasting how smart and tough he is, just because he did TKD for two months or watched the latest Van Damme film. This solution outweighs the hostile response of saprring them (good lord, imagine thier ego if you then lost!)...

I always just play it humble and ask, "Please teach me."
Ok I do see your point Zoran. I agree that he might of been attacked by some retard :) So I will back off. I do not know Damian's style or anything so I will just have to say that if it was me I would not of gone without doing something if my arm was about to get broken :)
Thankyou Zoran, your right it wasnt a skilled martial artist that threw that punch and it was a sloppy easy to intercept punch.

Carbon...were do I begin?.... ok first of all, do you know ANYTHING about submission grappling? When someone puts an effective lock on you there isn't much you can do, to move causes resist causes what would you do? If you practice submission grappling you learn how to avoid the locks but other than that...once the lock is on you're pretty much screwed, why do you think people (professional fighters) tap out in no holds barred fights? On top of all that the person I put the lock on had no idea what I was doing and didn't dare move because it hurt so damn much. On top of that non martial artists are usually quiet cowardly with no pain tolerance and squeel like a little kid when pain is inflicted upon them and lose all will to fight. At least in my experience.

Earlier you stated that you had little or no martial arts experince? And that you got your information out of a book? OK I am really insulted that some back seat martial artist with no real experience is trying to call me a liar. I fight full contact every week. I learn damn fast what works and doesn't work depending on the rules my opponent decides upon. I train in TKD, Muay Thai, Submission grappling, Philipino weapons, Jun Fan/Jeet kun do, boxing and pentjack silat. I run my own martial arts school and I've been training in the martial arts for 12 years.

Whats your expertise and training that you can tell me my experience was BS?!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

If you practice submission grappling you learn how to avoid the locks but other than that...once the lock is on you're pretty much screwed, why do you think people (professional fighters) tap out in no holds barred fights? On top of all that the person I put the lock on had no idea what I was doing and didn't dare move because it hurt so damn much. On top of that non martial artists are usually quiet cowardly with no pain tolerance and squeel like a little kid when pain is inflicted upon them and lose all will to fight. At least in my experience.

I've heard an account from a reliable source of a fella who had a wristlock put on him by a martial artist. Said fella broke his own wrist to get out of the lock and proceeded to beat the martial artist unconcious.

To paraphrase Forrest Gump:
Psycho is as psycho does



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