Ok, I think this will clear things up. I dont throw anything away that I learn, i just will never apply training that I think does not suit my own personal preference. I could give a damn about the history, and nonsense of that sort. I care about today, and tomorrow, and the days to follow. So I train for now, and the future, in the way I feel will be appropriate for real combat in these modern times. And someone mentioned that some people cant figure out the concepts of a rising block after a year? Then they need to try a different hobby, Edited to conform to MT's Rules. I am a hard core realist. I dont care for anything that will not help me. You figure I just jumped into some schools, and jumped out without learning the basics? Funny, thats an awful big assumption being that you were not there, and I was, and I know what I learned. My style is Collective COMBAT studies...nothing else. Combat, fighting and survival. I dont care who did what in the past, nor for the traditions, politics, foreign language, etc. So maybe I am not even a martial artist...LMAO. Im a soldier. And warfare is my way. Now, war is about history, but its a whole different area. It includes using the mind as well as the body. So to all who dont understand, go practice you little kata, and make sure your hand is on your hip, and everyone thinks you look real swell.
For you may never understand, but long as we are all happy, who cares.
do it your way, Ill do it mine.
By the way, no one can get a black belt in a year unless its a 1. a McDojo, or 2. they train from sunrise to sunset everyday, all day.
For you may never understand, but long as we are all happy, who cares.
do it your way, Ill do it mine.
By the way, no one can get a black belt in a year unless its a 1. a McDojo, or 2. they train from sunrise to sunset everyday, all day.