If it is a problem to be addressed, while it's occurring to you is not a good place to try to fix the issue.I agree with this, and I think most people do. The million dollar question right now is whether this is a feature or a flaw. A lot of folks look at the true statement above and say, "Regardless of actual circumstance, this is exactly what happens. Someone says or does something and the cops call their friends, dogpile, and you get met with deadly force from multiple angles."
Well, first off, statistics seem to indicate that the vast, vast majority of cops are decent folks and those rare events really are rare and probably really do constitute bad apples. By some statistics there are "2.5 million contacts per day, 75 million contacts per month and 900 million contacts per year. The vast majority of police-citizen contacts are handled without incident and when force must be used to gain compliance, it involves minimal to no injury in most cases." In many of those "bad apple" contacts that we end up hearing about, it turns out that the facts were misrepresented to try to wind up public outrage. But even if we assume that all or most are not misrepresented, let's call it 2/3 just for argument sake, then that represents, what?, maybe half-a-dozen per year of cops "killing or beating folks who aren't resisting." Let's raise it way way up and make it an even 20. What is 20 divided by 900,000,000? Statistical noise, is what. Should that be stamped out? Of course. No one is making an excuse for bad cops using excessive force. Get rid of them. What I am saying is that with north of 900 million contacts per year, any believe that "cops are going to kill you regardless" is not founded in reality. So what's my advice if you believe cops are going to kill you anyway? Look at the actual numbers or get some help for paranoia because the fear is not well founded but, instead, is likely a result of The Illusory Truth Effect.Here's a relevant question. What if you reasonably believe that the cops are going to kill you regardless? Heck, we see videos with regularity now of "bad apples" killing or beating folks who aren't resisting. To be clear, this isn't a referendum on cops. It is, however, a reality that some people believe when they encounter a cop that chances are probable he (usually) is a bad cop and their life is in as much danger as if they were being robbed at gun point.
Peace favor your sword,