what is a martial artist?

blindside, why i feel disrespected is the way you are disagreeing with me, you have not joy,

if you think martial arts is about beating people up you are wrong, way wrong or kicking *** as you put it, you are a paper tiger, you figure out what that means you don't even get what i am saying to you, it does matter how many times i point out your mistake you won't see it, just by your words i already can tell how you fight, see i have already thought about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it, tell me what do you create while you are kicking *** as you put it? do you even get kenpo? you say kicking ***, like a fight is to be taken lightly, it's a macho response. i know your not enlighten but do you get that there are guys out there that can break your arm leg even a foot in a way that you can never use it again, ed talks about a ankle strike that is ment to do just that, keep a person from ever walking again, do you get if you have that attitude i know kenpo and i'm going to kick your ***, i would take you at your word and probably take your sight forever, there are a million different ways i could do it, what then your blind can't work can't fight, what then? and there are guys out there like the masters i trained with that would just plain take your life, no playing and you say well they would go to jail, these guys can bruise your liver causing it to swell and kill you with a fingure, how do i know i have had it done to me and i through up right away, i trained iron body kung, maybe that is why i didn't die but i through up for a week afterwards, and there was no mark, why did he do it, he wants to die in a fight, that is his dream, he is crazy, there are a lot of way a martial artist can kill you, fights are war as my teacher said and people die in wars, that is enlightenment for your ***, do you get it yet? your statemnet about martial arts is about kicking *** is like saying war is about kicking ***, war is about killing death destruction there is only two kinds of people who take fighting and hurting others lightly, papertigers and those who are crazy, your not carzy, your blind, and i'm sure like so many that have the bad *** way of thinking you will find out the hard way. but i suspect you can't break anyones bone and you don't know enough to kill a person or you would not take it lightly, we are not teenagers here or kids martial arts when you get top be an adult is both beautiful and brutal, yin and yang, but you don't get that because you don't believe in enlightment right, tell me how can you ever get anything at all, cause you know it all, no enlightment righthow can you ever learn another move because that would enlighten you,
There is no need to get personal folks. Let's just talk about the topic and not each other, sound good?
blindside, why i feel disrespected is the way you are disagreeing with me, you have not joy,

if you think martial arts is about beating people up you are wrong, way wrong or kicking *** as you put it, you are a paper tiger, you figure out what that means you don't even get what i am saying to you, it does matter how many times i point out your mistake you won't see it, just by your words i already can tell how you fight, see i have already thought about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it, tell me what do you create while you are kicking *** as you put it? do you even get kenpo? you say kicking ***, like a fight is to be taken lightly, it's a macho response. i know your not enlighten but do you get that there are guys out there that can break your arm leg even a foot in a way that you can never use it again, ed talks about a ankle strike that is ment to do just that, keep a person from ever walking again, do you get if you have that attitude i know kenpo and i'm going to kick your ***, i would take you at your word and probably take your sight forever, there are a million different ways i could do it, what then your blind can't work can't fight, what then? and there are guys out there like the masters i trained with that would just plain take your life, no playing and you say well they would go to jail, these guys can bruise your liver causing it to swell and kill you with a fingure, how do i know i have had it done to me and i through up right away, i trained iron body kung, maybe that is why i didn't die but i through up for a week afterwards, and there was no mark, why did he do it, he wants to die in a fight, that is his dream, he is crazy, there are a lot of way a martial artist can kill you, fights are war as my teacher said and people die in wars, that is enlightenment for your ***, do you get it yet? your statemnet about martial arts is about kicking *** is like saying war is about kicking ***, war is about killing death destruction there is only two kinds of people who take fighting and hurting others lightly, papertigers and those who are crazy, your not carzy, your blind, and i'm sure like so many that have the bad *** way of thinking you will find out the hard way. but i suspect you can't break anyones bone and you don't know enough to kill a person or you would not take it lightly, we are not teenagers here or kids martial arts when you get top be an adult is both beautiful and brutal, yin and yang, but you don't get that because you don't believe in enlightment right, tell me how can you ever get anything at all, cause you know it all, no enlightment righthow can you ever learn another move because that would enlighten you,

welcome to martialtalk.com comes with the territory %-}
blindside, why i feel disrespected is the way you are disagreeing with me, you have not joy,

if you think martial arts is about beating people up you are wrong, way wrong or kicking *** as you put it, you are a paper tiger, you figure out what that means you don't even get what i am saying to you, it does matter how many times i point out your mistake you won't see it, just by your words i already can tell how you fight, see i have already thought about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it, tell me what do you create while you are kicking *** as you put it? do you even get kenpo? you say kicking ***, like a fight is to be taken lightly, it's a macho response. i know your not enlighten but do you get that there are guys out there that can break your arm leg even a foot in a way that you can never use it again, ed talks about a ankle strike that is ment to do just that, keep a person from ever walking again, do you get if you have that attitude i know kenpo and i'm going to kick your ***, i would take you at your word and probably take your sight forever, there are a million different ways i could do it, what then your blind can't work can't fight, what then? and there are guys out there like the masters i trained with that would just plain take your life, no playing and you say well they would go to jail, these guys can bruise your liver causing it to swell and kill you with a fingure, how do i know i have had it done to me and i through up right away, i trained iron body kung, maybe that is why i didn't die but i through up for a week afterwards, and there was no mark, why did he do it, he wants to die in a fight, that is his dream, he is crazy, there are a lot of way a martial artist can kill you, fights are war as my teacher said and people die in wars, that is enlightenment for your ***, do you get it yet? your statemnet about martial arts is about kicking *** is like saying war is about kicking ***, war is about killing death destruction there is only two kinds of people who take fighting and hurting others lightly, papertigers and those who are crazy, your not carzy, your blind, and i'm sure like so many that have the bad *** way of thinking you will find out the hard way. but i suspect you can't break anyones bone and you don't know enough to kill a person or you would not take it lightly, we are not teenagers here or kids martial arts when you get top be an adult is both beautiful and brutal, yin and yang, but you don't get that because you don't believe in enlightment right, tell me how can you ever get anything at all, cause you know it all, no enlightment righthow can you ever learn another move because that would enlighten you,

I'm sure that there is a well thought out, clear and concise response to my questions in this block of text, but I'm sorry to say that I couldn't find it. Is it before or after the massive assumptions about others, death touches, and blinding people?
Just my personal opinion/POV:

I differentiate between a "karate (generic term) guy" and "martial artist" this way....

A "karate guy" (or "kung fu guy", etc.) is one who does the moves, may know the terms, etc., but has no heart in the actions. This encompasses such people as younger kids, people who are in the art to meet members of the opposite sex, posers, etc. They know the moves, but take everything on pure faith, don't tend to practice, want only surface level, etc.

A "martial artist" is someone who studies an art related to combat of some form (hence, martial, duh. LOL), but seeks more depth, and has some emotional content in what they do. These people work to perfect form, but are always free to break form and get creative, whether that means doing spontaneous forms, or free combat, etc. In short, they know enough about the form to be able to break it when needed or to express their own individuality.

Note that, in my opinion, neither has any time limit. I have known martial artists that were pure streetfighters, but who had heart and motivation, not that they had just "been in a fight a couple of times".

I think it's the heart that makes the artist....the passion, for whatever purpose, and not just rote "recitation" of moves. If you have ever asked *why* something is done, and want to see variations....or want to know more about your art....then you are a martial artist. Belt rank/time in art don't matter to me. Heart does.

Again, just my 2 cents.

Peace --
