Martial Art inspired Tattoos...

No disrespect, but I don't care for it.

The claws are weird where they are placed anatomically and the size of the claws compared to each other and the head seem off.

And the girl looks more Egyptian to me than Japanese
yes that was me on Reddit as well haha. As for the drug thing, I've thought about it a lot. And I haven't experimented with LSD or anything as of yet. I still plan on it one day, but I'm not in a place where I want to right now. That day might never come as well. Also, having done many hours of research and talking to experienced people, the "bad" effects of many many drugs are vastly overstated. and in many of the cases can be avoided completely, or come about because of an underlying psychological or physical problem before hand, that they exacerbate

That's interesting about the Korean karate. I"ve heard Tang Soo do referred to as "Korean karate" before. But haven't seen a style that someone simply called that. That's pretty cool.

I teach Kuk Sool and BJJ for what it's worth.

and yes, I know that not all styles come from Japan haha. But everything he was talkinga bout, was referencing Japanese culture. Which is why I asked him about it. :)
I have a little bit of an art background and love the artwork involved in tattoos.

Japanese style tats is one of my favorites.
same! which is why I wanted my first Tattoo to be a Japanese style. I got it shortly after I got my Purple belt in BJJ.

Half sleeve octopus 5 hours in. by Luar Martinez at Ancient Ink
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

That's mine if you wanna have a look, unfinished at the moment. going back next month to get color into it.
also the pictures were taken FRESH, so it's pretty swollen/bruised int hat pic.

also, your son looks SUPER sharp for an 11 year old man. And if he knows what all those moves do, man that's awesome. How long has he been training?
That's gonna look sweet with color added to it. Should really make it pop.

Thanks, he has been training for 7 years.
Very cool man, wish I had been able to start so young.

and yep! Can't wait to get that color filled in.

Here are my two MA Tattoos
Very cool man! I like the tiger a lot. Only thing I do want for mine is to be full color. I'm white as hell, so maybe that's why though ahha. color tends to show up well lol.
had an idea to have bootprint tattoo on my buttcheek........ because I had my *** kicked more than I liked too :D

I do need to start thinking what I want to do with my right arm.....what style etc.

Not a MA tattoo but the date's and time of birth from my kids on my left lower arm on the side I have their names

had an idea to have bootprint tattoo on my buttcheek........ because I had my *** kicked more than I liked too :D

I do need to start thinking what I want to do with my right arm.....what style etc.

Not a MA tattoo but the date's and time of birth from my kids on my left lower arm on the side I have their names


Man that is clean. Looks good