DF: Japanese Martial Philosophy

Clark Kent

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Japanese Martial Philosophy
By Mike Brewer - Sat, 11 Nov 2006 08:57:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


Some questions...

I'm thinking of posing these questions to others on other forums and comparing the results, but it all depends on the kind of participation I get here. If you know anything about Japanese Martial Philosophy, especially that of the Samurai or Ninja, please share your opinions here.
  1. Explain "mushin."
  2. Compare the idea of destructions and interceptions with sen no sen and sen sen no sen
  3. Expand on the ideas of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Void in Japanese martial arts
  4. Why is "void" an important concept?
Any input would be great. I'm doing some research, and I could use the help.

Thanks guys!


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