Senior Master
Thank you for making my point. So often does 'mental illness' become a deflection of who own's responsibility for the event. It becomes "OH NO, we can't blame the poor mentally ill man, because that will make us look 'insensitive'....It must be the fault of those MEANIE police officers"7starmantis said:Sympathy is in order, but its so often that sympathy turns to neglectful blaming and then the fault begins to turn on someone who is completely innocent of blame. Regardless of mental the air marshal it must have seemed quite a stupid thing to do. Its a tragedy, but responsibility must lie with one else. Otherwise we should start questioning the wife as to why she allowed him off the medicine and into that type of situation.
The only person that owns this event is the one who ultimately died as a result of it. Anything else is blame deflection in the name of 'sensitivity'.
When the need to appear sensitive overcomes reason and rationality, then, as Shesula has been saying, 'You've stopped thinking'. I'll look insensitive before I allow emotionalism to do my thinking for me. I really don't know what to say to anyone who is offended by that. I prefer to deal with the world as it is, not as we wish it had been after the event.
Are you seriously suggesting that if you climbed on a Israeli airflight and yelled "I HAVE A BOMB" and then stuck your hand in a bag, they wouldn't SHOOT you?! I don't suggest you test that theory, unless you've got a death wish. You'll have so many bullet holes you'll look like a spaghetti strainer.samurai69 said:The israelis have had air marshals for a number of years with out this sort of incident happening, i would certainly ask some questions regarding training, employee screening procedures too,
The Israelis are far more trigger happy when it comes to suicide bombers than we will ever be (Suicide bombings are a daily event). Anyone who thinks the Israelis have tolerance or a sense of humor for someone claiming to have a bomb, is sadly mistaken.
It's possible that the only people crazy or moronic enought to claim to have a bomb in Israel is someone who really does.
An interesting side note about Israel, for several years now parents and teachers in schools in Israel have volunteered to go through training to be monitors. In Israel, however, that consists of firearms training. They all get trained to carry concealed weapons, and their job is to patrol the halls of the schools watching for gunmen and potential suicide bombers. There are a great many places in Israel one could get shot for yelling "I HAVE A BOMB!".
Bottom line, if a man says he has a bomb, i'll take him at his word. Grown adults should know better than to yell certain things and engage in certain acts, especially in public, MOST especially in circumstances where it should be obvious that there will be a quick and certain response.
If we as a culture are so sensitive as to believe that we should excuse certain obviously dangerous behaviors that end up resulting in, what is more, predictable death or injury, and consider it a tragedy owned by anyone other than the perpetrator, then we have a problem with responsibility as a culture.
To call this a tragedy makes it appear as though something should be changed to prevent it in the future. Perhaps there should be a warning sign when you get on board the plane. Warning:"Don't yell 'I HAVE A BOMB!'" We've got warning signs for other obviously stupid activities, why not this one.