JAMJTX said:
If the Marshal did not shoot him and a bomb went off, those same people whining about the shooting would be whining that he should have shot him before the bomb went off.
Law Enforcement Officers can never win with liberals and neither can America. It's always, liberal sgoob America/Law bad.
Most definitely. The Air Marshall made the right decision, if everything I hear is accurate. If someone says they have a bomb, and you're surrounded by people, you error in the side of the innocent by-standers.
This guy may have been bi-polar, crazy, or suicidal (of course, no one who's bi-polar, crazy or suicidal would carry a bomb?!), but all that is irrelavent. All that is, in essence, his own problem. The Air Marshall has to protect everyone else, and he did. Whether or not the man had a bomb, this is a clear cut case of suicide.
What's more, to the suggestion about "Tasering" the gentleman, I'm a certified Taser instructor, and have been for 5 years. I teach every officer that the Taser is not a substitute for lethal force. It can help prevent the need for lethal force in certain situations, but at the moment of truth, when a lethal threat is imminent (say, when someone is reaching for a bomb) it is NOT the option of choice.
The Taser, being an electronic device with a CO2 charged dart system, is far less reliable and with a much more limitated range (21 feet) than a firearm. In other words, consider a Taser as reliable as a computer or a cellphone. There are simply too many variables that can fail with a Taser...The batteries can be dead, the cartridge can fail, the Taser itself can malfunction, the darts may penetrate, it may not stop the subject, etc.
A firearm, on the other hand, is relatively simple and straight forward. So, at the moment of truth, it's what you rely on. Had the man not been near his bags, and was running toward them, a Taser might be the choice. If his hand is moving toward a bag in reach, the firearm is the only reasonable option.
Would you want the lives of your family and friends dependent on a cellphone dialing out on the first try? I didn't think so.