Margaret Thatcher socialism error


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Tez, I think I found it. The "it" being the post where you think I said Margaret Thatcher was a socialist...


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Re: Real thanksgiving

Originally Posted by billcihak
Granfire, if you hadn't noticed, the current ecomomic breakdown in Europe comes from a large part from spending other peoples money, eventually you run out of it. Thanks Prime Minister Thatcher. This is a lot off topic but I reply, socialism also murdered over 100 million people, and more, in the soviet union, china, germany, italy, japan, cambodia, and vietnam and has kept more people, as Milton Friedman would say, in crushing poverty than it has helped. Thanks.

Right, you do know that Maggie Thatcher was a Conservative? and she hasn't been around for a long time?
And over here, socialism is different from communism and the national socialism that was Hitler's pet project was actually fascism?​


This is the thing, I was quoting Thatcher's observation on socialism, and you didn't catch that. I was thanking Prime Minister Thatcher for the quote, not accusing her of being a socialist. Finally, I think I found why you incorrectly accuse me of thinking Thatcher was a socialist. It wasn't quoted properly, I wasn't familiar with how to work the quotes back then.

This is from wikipedia on Margaret thatcher's quote:

The problem with socialismA quote attributed to Margaret Thatcher goes along the lines of
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money [to spend]."or
"Eventually, Socialists run out of other peoples' money [to spend]."There are a number of similar almost-quotes to be found on the Web, but I haven't found any authoritative sources. She may, in fact, have made the statement in various forms at different times. Quicksilver[SUP]T @[/SUP] 15:44, 9 December 2008 (UTC)
Update: Margaret Thatcher, in a TV interview for Thames TV This Week [[1]]on Feb. 5, 1976, Prime Minister Thatcher said, "...and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them."
The popular version seems to be a reasonable contraction

I even used the "quote" button this time...
Tez, I think I found it. The "it" being the post where you think I said Margaret Thatcher was a socialist...


Join Date Oct 2006Location EnglandPosts 13,001Thanks 1,089Thanked 1,375 Times in 812 PostsRep Power21
Re: Real thanksgiving

Originally Posted by billcihak
Granfire, if you hadn't noticed, the current ecomomic breakdown in Europe comes from a large part from spending other peoples money, eventually you run out of it. Thanks Prime Minister Thatcher. This is a lot off topic but I reply, socialism also murdered over 100 million people, and more, in the soviet union, china, germany, italy, japan, cambodia, and vietnam and has kept more people, as Milton Friedman would say, in crushing poverty than it has helped. Thanks.

Right, you do know that Maggie Thatcher was a Conservative? and she hasn't been around for a long time?
And over here, socialism is different from communism and the national socialism that was Hitler's pet project was actually fascism?​


This is the thing, I was quoting Thatcher's observation on socialism, and you didn't catch that. I was thanking Prime Minister Thatcher for the quote, not accusing her of being a socialist. Finally, I think I found why you incorrectly accuse me of thinking Thatcher was a socialist. It wasn't quoted properly, I wasn't familiar with how to work the quotes back then.

This is from wikipedia on Margaret thatcher's quote:

I even used the "quote" button this time...

Honey, I am no expert, but you need a life.
I know for a fact that people who hang on the computer on a Friday night have none.....

(and while you used the quote button, you screwed it up)