Originally posted by Goldendragon7
our Curriculums..... My question is, what are these "holes" such as grappling or combination attacks {kick punch or L - R Punch combination}, and what can be done to "upgrade" or "adjust" or what are [you or your studio] doing about them?
Very quickly
right, like I can be brief.
I just went to a Shen Chuan Seminar at Mr. Billings' studio Sat 10/25 and it could very well have validated everything I have ever heard Doc say.
Mr. Lansdale struck "loosely" with dead weight. Showed us a pressure point attack that Mr. Parker must have been FULLY aware of when he set down 5 Swords. And Mr. Lansdale, about 5'8" and not exactly trim, Manhandled the 6ft monsters he brought in with him. Mopped the floor with them. Dropped them at will, knocked one out. And almost always with "No effort" and didn't leave a mark on them to speak of.
Mr. Parker surely had this stuff hidden within the system as Doc has said. He almost certainly in my opinion did set up the curriculum at least partially as "something to sell." Mr. Lansdale is too good and taught too much undisputably effective stuff for us to not directly address in EPAK. Primarily he dealt with balance disruptions and nerve strikes and I swear I saw some or all of 5 Swords, Dominating Circles, Thrusting Wedge/Heavenly Ascent/Parting Wings on Sat.
I don't know why we don't address that stuff directly. For me, I will seek more of it out to compensate. I look forward to seeing Doc one day. I accidentally nearly knocked out my partner on Sat during one of the drills we were having trouble with and my face is still sore from where Mr. Lansdale attacked a pressure point. I also either lost my vision or nearly blacked out several times on one of the drills.
In short, the stuff was almost diametrically opposite what EPAK focuses on and it was Highly effective. And very humane. As I said, Mr. Lansdale was always in control of his opponent and his strikes were very much like slaps. I could just imagine Mr. Parker slapping through some people and "mystically" wiping them out and this being the source of the slap-art and Magician of Motion rumors AND the source of many of Doc's assertions.
Mr. Lansdale also said that many Martial Arts look like this at the higher levels which makes me think this is also compatible with Doc's statmements of Sub-Level 4 being a higher state of Kenpo.
Mr. Lansdale also nearly knocked out one of Mr. Billings' bruisers as well. And yes, he did say that pressure point knock-outs/attacks can be more devastating and harmful than just knocking someone on their butt with a more traditional strike.
His seminar was amazing. I may write more in a more proper review elsewhere.
But we are lacking this in EPAK and I intend to investigate it directly to suppliment my striking. Although I prefer these methods to much of EPAK's overwhelming flurry of maiming and killing strikes. Yes I know they can be regulated etc but this stuff was so effective and effortless that I wonder if Mr. Parker Jr. was not right on about Kenpo being his Dad's "sick fantasy;" especially when you consider Leap of Death and Dance of Death for example which I believed Mr. Parker, Jr. both mentioned as examples when making this statement.
Hey, what is the smiley for Ramble, Ramble, Ramble...?