Man what a great day


Master Black Belt
Whew I'm having a great day(think major sarcasm) I have just been accused of plagerism. THe fun part comes in that I didn't plagerize. Well the good thing is that it won't take me long to beat this. The bad thing is I now strongly dislike one of my professors. No chance at a Philosophy minor now as there are only 2 phillosophy professors and that means I can't stand half of them.
It is obvious I didn't plagerise but oh well I'll just have to deal with him on that.
Point of all this. I was just feeling a bit annoyed because of the B.S. my professors giving me and felt like yelling about it. Anybody got any advise on how to deal with this problem of mine. I know there are some professors around here so I figured mabe you guys could help me figure out what to do.
My proffesor also was a really big pain in the butt about it so I was wondering what I should do there. I'm not the first person who has had a huge problem with this professor either. Actually I'm the third on this semster.
End rant
I know you asked for advice from other professors here, but since I just broke free of the evil underworld of college I thought I would add my 2 cents worth.

I was always partial on saying screw it to the profs I didn't like and going over their heads to the chair/dean of the dept/college or going to the dean of students myself. If you are the 3rd one just this semester to be wrongly confused, might be helpful if all three of you gang up on the prof's boss whoever it is. Also might be helpful to find out why he thinks you plagarized, like is he using one of those sites profs can scan papers into and the site checks for plagarizism or if it is just his own feelings on it. Easier to get a Dean or Chair to take you more seriously the more facts you have, more people you have and the sooner you do it. I've ganged up on more than one that way, it can be highly effective.

Good luck.
Any advise is welcome just as long as it isn't strip down naked and run around the campus singing I am ironman

insert proper citation here
If the plagiarism accusation is not valid, and it is a serious accusation capable of having you expelled, once you beat it; your best course of action would be to file a greivance against the professor. Without a paper trail to protect you, he can be as vindictive as he likes with no recourse for you.
Hmm that wasn't half bad. I'm not being sent to the honor court to deal with it. I have shown him the error of what the said. I had to apeal it more than once but still. Now to send an email to him to prove that the one thing he still thinks I did wrong I didn't do wrong.
I was incorrectly accused of plagiarism (of computer code) once. Now I'm a professor and am extra-careful about such things.

Glad all worked well for you. Speak to the professor(s) in their offices and ask them to be frank--should you avoid their classes?
Thanks for the advise every one. Much apreciated. I'll avoid his classes as I don't need them and I can get the philosophy minor with out taking any of his classes again I'm pretty sure. I'll look it up before next semseter just to be sure.
THanks for the advise again.
arnisador said:
I was incorrectly accused of plagiarism (of computer code) once.

Now that is funny. Code is inheirently systematic and unoriginal. How can you copy something if there is only one or two ways of doing it efficiently. It's like saying that you plagerized a mathematical equation.
I just want everyone to know that I've patented "1+1=2".

I figure I'm now a gazillionare in royalties owed. :D

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