Why would we care what Steven Spielberg thought about a Presidential candidate?

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka

Senior Master
Big news on the cycle is that Spielberg has decided to back Hilary. My thought: So what? Since when, and by what measure, is he an expert on identifying the qualities necessary to run a country?

Keep in mind; I don't really have anything for or against Ms. Clinton myself; I think they are all crooks, and see voting as a selection for a lesser of evils.

BUT!!!!! I would much rather be a fly on the wall, overhearing a couple of Political Science professors discuss over beer and darts who they like/dislike and why, and take that information with me to the booths, then to mindlessly wait for the sum of hollywood/celebrity endorsements to tell me who I ought to pick.

*reflectively, but without a brain* I'm not really a basketball fan...should I wait to see who Kobe Bryant likes? Eva Longoria's hot...I wonder who she'll pick? Simon Cowell is a Brit on TV with that singy thingy...maybe I'll just go with who he likes, since he's at least accustomed to picking from a field of contestants.

AAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!! When did the American public become so bloody mindless, and when do we get to attach a minimum educational or intelligence requirement to the right to vote?!?!?!?!?!?

End Rant,


Some people are too lazy to do their own research and would rather look to others they "like" or "respect" for their opinions. Had these same people done their research, they may very well end up choosing differently.

How hard can it be to do some reading and listening to the discussions held between different candidates?

- Ceicei
Strangely enough, I thought Brad Pitt put it brilliantly with this quote:

“You shouldn't speak until you know what you're talking about. That's why I get uncomfortable with interviews. Reporters ask me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? They hand me a script. I'm a grown man who puts on makeup.”

The line between news and entertainment has blurred so much in the last decade or two that these are the sorts of people americans are looking to for guidance, instead of the analysts, scientists, political pundits, etc (read experts whose opinion might actually carry weight). Pretty sad IMO.

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