Man Arrested After Defending Himself Against Armed Teen

Mu subsequent posts should clarify my position a bit more. :) Likewise, I'll take my chances with the jury as well. Downside is that the majority of the time, you'll have a bunch of people who have no martial arts background, have a distorted view of the arts, in addition to a few bleed know, the ones who always manage to work in the "Oh, the poor bad guy must've had a hard life growing up" comment.

That's why you have the right to question potential a self-defense situation you have to pick members of juries who are ex-military.....they WILL understand about split second decisions.

All you need on a jury is ONE GUY who knows what the hell is what.....and you won't be convicted of all but the most fruit cake liberal areas folks will understand that a man who shoves a gun in your face is a threat to your life......and a little explaining will convince them that just because you managed to get the gun, doesn't mean the lethal confrontation is remotely over.

Yes, some moron Prostitutor in San Francisco or New York, who's a card-carrying member of HCI and the Brady Bunch may want to make an example out of you.......but in most parts of this country Prosecutors are elected.........and most wouldn't push too hard on such a case, as they are likely to get 'unelected' come next election by prosecuting innocent citizens defending themselves.

But the bottom line is that you have to live long enough to get prosecuted.
Tez3 wrote:
“An arrest here though has less significance that it does in the States, it doesn't create or go on a record if theres nothing to charge you with.”

One gentleman that I trained with in the 1990Â’s wanted to become a police officer; he applied all over trying to get hired. He came close a few times but didnÂ’t end up high enough on the PT tests or high enough on the written tests but he kept trying and training and then the Seattle police department became very interested going thru the written tests and the physical tests and the psychological testing. He had been working as a school bus driver so he could work with people and practice his driving and learning the area streets. Well the police department also does a background check. They have you list anything that you have done wrong, anything that you maybe stole as youth, any drugs that you might have experimented with etc. This guy when he was younger had traveled to England for a holiday. He became involved in a brawl. He was not one of the ones fighting (he says) but they all had to go to the police station. He said he was not photographed or fingerprinted he just had to give a statement. Police said no big deal go back to your hotel. Well he neglected to mention this event on the background check forms; he forgot to bring it up during the few face to face meetings. He was not hired because the investigators did somehow find out about the incident (Interpol perhaps?). On his denied application it sated that he was not hired for moral (I am forgetting the actual term they used) inadequacy. With that his dream of getting on any police department was ended. He quit training as his interest in Martial arts at that time was to advance his chance of becoming a police officer and his survival as a police officer. Not a totally sad story as he turned around and applied for some local fire departments and all that practice with the various state federal and local police forces paid off and he was hired almost immediately. I have not seen him in over fifteen years or so and to be honest I have only his version of the story and what he was or was not charged with while in England and what was reported in his background check

Warmest Regards
Brian King
Brian, if he wasn't charged with anything there would be no record to give to anyone. Even if he had a record I'm not sure how anyone would find out from America, unless he had been deported, then the American authorities would have a record. If he'd been a witness I'm not sure if he'd have to mention it at interview or not, again there would be no record with his name on it, the same as if he had been arrested but not charged again no record.

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