Another taser incident

Archangel M

Senior Master
I dont want to get in trouble for posting a link to nudity, but if you are interested in this thread google "Naked man tasered multiple times at Coachella festival" and watch the video.

A man at a concert is either drunk..high or both. He strips nude and gets dealt with by a few officers who are apparently working security at the event.

The officers attempt to talk the man back into clothes, telling him he can enjoy himself but he has to be clothed. The man wants to hear none of it. Eventually the officers attempt to take him into custody and the man resists. The officers taser him and arrest.

Of course any video site with comments is laden with "cops are ****ing pigs!!".."why couldnt so many cops take a naked man into custody without tasering him?"...."BRUTALITY!!" etc.

I suggest that anybody who agrees try gathering a couple of friends and attempt putting cuffs on a decent sized individual who is fighting you..then tell me how easy it was. Indecent exposure is an arrestable offense. The officers were very patient in trying to get the guy to clothe himself and "move along".

Yet another disconnect between what I see as a textbook use of the taser and what apparently many others see as blatant abuse of power.
Apparently his inability to follow the law was only one of his...shortcomings :rolleyes:
Wow! That's interesting. We had an incident similar to that in my area, unfortunately it was a 16 year old kid who had a history of seizures.
I guess supposedly he was tasered a couple of times and had a massive seizure and died. It was sad but at the same time he was not compliant with the police officers in fact resisted arrest and tried to inflict bodily harm on the officers. So regardless I feel the officers went textbook and made the right judgments, you really can't be to careful. Its just a shame that sometimes things come down to that.
Apparently his inability to follow the law was only one of his...shortcomings :rolleyes:

Wow! That's interesting. We had an incident similar to that in my area, unfortunately it was a 16 year old kid who had a history of seizures.
I guess supposedly he was tasered a couple of times and had a massive seizure and died. It was sad but at the same time he was not compliant with the police officers in fact resisted arrest and tried to inflict bodily harm on the officers. So regardless I feel the officers went textbook and made the right judgments, you really can't be to careful. Its just a shame that sometimes things come down to that.

I've been around long enough to remember life before Tasers.......when it was Pepper spray that the ACLU and Amnesty International claimed was killing everyone.....they had a hundred or so incidents (identical to the 'Taser' deaths) that they publicized.......and before that it was 'Hog tying'.......before that it was the 'Neck Restraint'.........different uses of force, same exact circumstances of death.

An epidemiologist can tell you that if one variable changes radically, and a death rate stays the same.......ZERO causal effect exists with that variable......the percentage of in-custody deaths has actually DECREASED in the last 20 years.......BUT, since the Taser is the number one single tool of force today, any death following resistance is likely to coincide with a Taser usage, despite the fact that the kind of in-custody deaths associated with Tasers occurred before Tasers, and would occur without Tasers.
To illustrate my point about how the Taser is just the latest target du jour of special interests.......before Taser

More research showing the phenomenon long predates even pepper spray....

Radically different methods of force, same results........which logically illustrates that the method of force is NOT the causal factor in these deaths......otherwise the deaths wouldn't remain the same when you change that variable.

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