Magic Bullet? Magic Caliber? Magic Gun?

I'll take this one step further:

The companies have spent millions and millions of research and development dollars, and came up with today's wonderful premium hollowpoint designs. Such bullets are much more consistent with their expansion and penetration qualities, and are less susceptible to expansion failure than their predecessors were. Velocity is no longer an overly critical requirement for expansion, either.

Today's designs are so good, that I long ago stopped subscribing to the theory that "light and fast" was optimal for the 9 mm. Yes, in the past, the old 147 grain hollowpoints were notorious for failing to expand, but all of that R&D has corrected that problem.

I would feel equally confident using any of the following, when it comes to bullet performance:

127 grain Winchester Ranger +P+ JHP
124 grain Remington Golden Saber (standard pressure or +P; doesn't matter)
147 grain Remington Golden Saber (standard pressure offered only)
124 grain Speer Gold Dot (standard or +P)
115 grain Speer Gold Dot (standard or +P)
147 grain Speer Gold Dot
147 grain Winchester SXT (standard pressure offered only)
115 grain Remington Classic JHP (standard or +P)

The only reason why I would try different loads, is if one were more reliable than another and / or one shot more accurately than another, in a particular pistol. Plain and simple. I would feel perfectly fine feeding any of the above in any of my Glocks, although I do have a Browning Hi-Power that's more selective of the ammo that I choose.