Deaf Smith
Master of Arts
If you hit the proper target area (heart, lungs, aorta, etc.), you will inflict life-threatening damage. If I have to shoot someone, I'm not going to just shoot them in a vague "center mass" area, there is still a specific area we want to hit. Granted, this target area is larger than the target area of the head, thereby making it a little easier to hit. However, wanting to kill or not wanting to kill don't really enter into the discussion...
I want you to listen to what Kenpo is saying. Yes the 'COM', center of mass, is a poorly definded area. It emcompases basicly the edge of the lungs (which is quite a bit of area) and on down past the diapharm. Alot of that area is not immediatly vital.
I've always felt the COM bit was a way to help explain poor marksmanship. Everyone shot COM and thought they were good shots and it would do the deed. But, just to much of that COM is not so vital.
Center of lungs, yes. Heart, yes. And nothing else. We are talking about the size of a grapefruit and nothing more!
Now about stopping power. I hate the term 'knock down power' cuase short of a full dose from a double barrel 10 gauge with 3 1/2 inch magnum buckshot there is no 'knock down power' (and belive me, two barrels of a 10 guage will just about knock down the shooter to!)
Stopping power is the ability to stop an aggressor, right there. One has to depend on hitting that grapefruit do to this with a good round. Failure to do this, even with the vaulted .44 magnum may very well not phase the attacker, who then will try to pay you pack.
And this is why marksmanship is so important. And why I don't gripe with Kenpo using a 9mm. The 9mm will do the deed if you shoot well, and happly the 9mm, due to low cost and low recoil, is easy enough to learn to be that good.
But if you have the money, time, and dedication, then a larger, more powerful round would be helpful just in case you can't quite make that grapefruit size shot in a hurry.
But reguardless if you pack a 9mm, .40, or .45, the abilty to shoot strait and shoot fast, is the most important part of 'stopping power'.