Danny T
Senior Master
No in the original post it was asked if the extra dollars is worth it. There is a particular type of equipment he is asking about.I advised him to go with Title because he's cheap and wanted to buy Macho or Century. So now you're advocating even more expensive gear that's around 2x or more that of the entry level, Title equipment? How does this make any sense? I know how they spar in TKD, I started out in TKD and **** can happen and it becomes a war until the instructor stops it.
You stated Title and I agree it is good beginner to intermediate level equipment for the price.
You stated you buy new gloves every 1.5 to 2 years....due to them wearing out. And then later stated you are a hard hitter.
My comment is if one is a serious practitioner who trains hard and punches hard then the Title will not last the amount of time you suggested 'unless' purchasing the higher end lines.
Sorry if you miss understood.
He is using 'foam dipped' equipment for his sparring as everyone else he is sparring with. He stated that.
You brought up punching on the heavy bag. Foam dipped equipment Is Not For Heavy Bag Work. My comments were about that.