Loonies off the street

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Just a word to the wise.


Man arrested at karate class
STAFFORD — A Fredericksburg man was arrested Thursday after disrupting a youth karate class in Stafford.

Pacifique Sebarenzi, 22, of Dundee Place in Fredericksburg, went to HamptonÂ’s Karate Place at 282 Deacon Road in Stafford around 7:30 p.m. and began acting erratically, as well as displaying karate moves on the children, according to the owner.

After some disruptive behavior, he was asked to leave but refused and police were called.

When deputies arrived, Sebarenzi did not cooperate and assumed a fighting stance, police said. He continued to resist and was handcuffed, and refused to get into the police car, according to Bill Kennedy, public information officer for the Stafford County SheriffÂ’s Office. Several deputies were required to get him into the car, Kennedy said.

Sebarenzi, charged with resisting arrest, assault and battery and disorderly conduct, was taken to Rappahannock Regional Jail.
I think the worst story I know of about people off the street from the old school I attended. Three men came into the school from the street, thinking it was a Chinese resteraunt. Obviously thier reading skills needed some brushing up. They discovered it was a martial arts studio and immediately drew hand guns then robbed those in the school. Fortunately no one's ego got in the way so no one was seriously injured. This happened on a night I normally attended, but I was in the hospital at the time. Never really thought of being in the hospital a lucky thing till then :) A couple of weeks later all three were arrested after robbing a nearby Church's Chicken.
I think the worst story I know of about people off the street from the old school I attended. Three men came into the school from the street, thinking it was a Chinese resteraunt. Obviously thier reading skills needed some brushing up. They discovered it was a martial arts studio and immediately drew hand guns then robbed those in the school. Fortunately no one's ego got in the way so no one was seriously injured. This happened on a night I normally attended, but I was in the hospital at the time. Never really thought of being in the hospital a lucky thing till then :) A couple of weeks later all three were arrested after robbing a nearby Church's Chicken.

Wow! Had it happened to our dojo, I would have complied for sure; not fooling around against guns. However, no pockets in my gi. Hence, no wallet. I don't wear a watch. About all they'd be able to get off of me would be my cell phone, and that belongs to my employer. Here, have it.
I wonder what the writer meant when he/she wrote the guy was "displaying karate moves". Is anyone else picturing Kramer from Seinfeld? I bet it takes a lot of effort to just call the police when everyone in the school likely half expects you to physically remove the guy yourself.
I read "loonies off the street" and had an image of Canadian dollars strewn on the sidewalk....

(Clearly I need more sleep)

Glad the story ended with the right person in custody :)
Smart move calling the cops. Hee Il Cho lost a lawsuit many years ago for kicking a jerk who wouldn't leave his studio in the teeth. Let the cops handle it!
I wonder what the writer meant when he/she wrote the guy was "displaying karate moves". Is anyone else picturing Kramer from Seinfeld? I bet it takes a lot of effort to just call the police when everyone in the school likely half expects you to physically remove the guy yourself.

I'm sure it did. I hope the instructor took the time to explain to all the students his reasons for doing so, thereby using it as an MA lesson as well as whatever was on tap for that night.

Smart move calling the cops. Hee Il Cho lost a lawsuit many years ago for kicking a jerk who wouldn't leave his studio in the teeth. Let the cops handle it!

Yep, bag guys usually have a lot of time to do nothing but plan how to retaliate in the courts. Somewhere, there will be a lawyer who smells money, and the lawyer and the bad guy are off and running.
I think the worst story I know of about people off the street from the old school I attended. Three men came into the school from the street, thinking it was a Chinese resteraunt. Obviously thier reading skills needed some brushing up. They discovered it was a martial arts studio and immediately drew hand guns then robbed those in the school. Fortunately no one's ego got in the way so no one was seriously injured. This happened on a night I normally attended, but I was in the hospital at the time. Never really thought of being in the hospital a lucky thing till then :) A couple of weeks later all three were arrested after robbing a nearby Church's Chicken.

Definitely the right reaction there. As Orgazmo famously said, martial arts don't stop bullets.

Last time I was robbed was in a bar. Luckily, no one tried to fight back and they were gone in about 10 minutes. Drinks were on the house while we gave statements to the detective, so I guess that's a silver lining.

The guys who robbed us were caught the next night when they tried to rob a corner store in a different neighborhood. The owner of the store had been robbed before, so he knew what was up the minute they walked through the door. He shot 4 of them and then cornered the last one (who was armed with a BB gun) and beat him with his own shoe until the police showed up. Moral of the story, guys like that usually get caught or shot eventually, so don't risk your life fighting them unless you absolutely have to.