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Not often
I've seen it happen more times than would be expected based on the sumo's size. Depends on the situational definition of "often." Not most of the time, but a surprisingly (30%?) high number it seems from the matches I've watched.

The most obvious way superior size can win is the type of frontal force out where the big guy picks up the little guy in a front bear hug and simply carries him out of the ring. This deprives the smaller guy any chance to use technique.
I think size trumps skilful technique unless you attack unexpectedly early. I know it goes against the premise of the MAs, but there you go.
It takes a lot to overcome skills which is why people train. There are already examples where skill overcomes size. A larger size can become a handicap as it means that the body must carry more weight. No one is a better example of this than Bob Sapp.

If skill is so important that more people train most of their healthiest years of life to obtain it, more than they train to obtain size. If Size was the most important then everyone would just go Sumo. But even in the world of Sumo, skill is still

But it's also true in boxing

The one thing we must always ask ourselves every month is "Are the skills that I'm learning and training applicable for the situation that I think I'll have to go against."

From a Biological sense size has the advantage. We will naturally see things bigger than us as being dangerous. But for the most part it's a bluff, which is why many animals will try to make themselves appear bigger. Skill, however, calculates size disadvantages and looks for weakness on how to overcome size. Without skill, size advantage is a big plus.

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