I created a video to try to shed some light on the impact of this kick. It's difficult to imagine how devastating this kick actually is unless you get one by someone who can actually do one correctly. I didn't have any volunteers that wanted their knee kicked so I had to bring out the heavy bag, that I practiced on.
I'm not sure how much the heavy bag weighs so I'll have to get back to you on that one. I used the yellow tape that's on the floor so you could get an idea of the distance that the bag travels. I originally thought about having someone stand behind the bag to hold it in place but I didn't feel comfortable with the impact that it might have on the leg that would next to the bag supporting the bag.
Force of the Kick
I thought the picture above would be a good place to start in terms of talking about the mechanics of this kicks. The picture is a screen capture from the video that I recorded using my smartphone. The first step is to analyze the movement of this kick by looking at the blur in the picture. The blur helps to give an idea of the body parts involved in this kick. You can also see that I'm not stomping down on the bag by looking at the indentation of the bag. A downward stomp would have made the lower part of the bag crumple, but in the picture you can see the indentation on the lower part of the bag is smooth.
The force being placed on the bag is not pushing force it's striking force. The top part of the bag is not blurred which means there is no motion at the point of impact. I'm not not pushing, I'm kicking. In the post
Awesome Kung Fu Kick used in MMA I talk about how the impact of the kick feels to the shin and how it shoots the calf muscle off the bone. You can actually see the bag react in a similar manner. Look at the blur to the rear of the bag. This is the energy from the kick shooting out of the back of the bag. The bur that you see in the back of the bag is caused by the bag rapidly expanding from the force of the kick and then snapping back. There is no other blur on the back of the heavy bag at this point. I slowed the video down so that you can see this entire process.
Some have expressed doubt that there is enough force to break a knee. From experience of receiving a kick like this to the shin. I can only assume that energy from the kick will shoot out the back of the knee in a similar manner that it shot out the back of this bag.
Technique of the Kick
The technique that I used for this kick is one that would be used if I was trying to break the knee, which means that I'll push through until something gives and then continue to push through after it gives. My goal was to follow through as much a possible without creating bad form and over extension. I had to kick lower than the knee for the purpose of the video. I was concern that if I kicked the bag too high up that it would fall over when I kick the bag. Then I would have to read the nonsense about how the kick worked on the bag because I kicked high up on the bag. My goal was to kick low enough to where the bag would slide across the floor instead of falling towards me from kicking too low and falling backwards from kicking too high. I was able to get that on the first try, which made me happy because I really didn't want to be at the school all day trying to make that happen. I was a little sloppy in the photo. My heel should not come off the ground as shown in the photo. F
Form vs application
The form version of this kick often looks useless and weak, but it teaches the proper mechanics that are required to make this an effective kick when done as an application. Unfortunately I've seen some really bad demos of this and I currently have a student who has messed up knees because she kicked with bad technique. Application of this can easily be done while in fighting stance and it's a really fast kick. The wind up of this kick is only because I tried to get a good video of the technique from beginning to end.
Here is the video enjoy it while you can
I would like to hear your opinions or questions about this kick. Let me know if you think this kick has enough power to break bone or at the least break a knee.