My full Contact Competition: Video


Blue Belt
Hey guys,

How is everyone? Its been a while. I've been wild training for my full contact competion which I had this past saturday in maryland.

I lost the fight in a split decision, which I thought wasn't fair. I thought I took the first round, and definitely the second round. However, the judges gave him the first round and me the second. The third round I knew I'd lost for sure since I'd made a mistake in trying to push him of the stage; he used my momentum against me and helped me of the stage:-(.

My equipment failed me at two parts in the fight. My head gear face mask had its velcro come undone, and my shoe slipped off my foot in the second or third round. The refree stopped the fight.

I DIDNOT use wing chun techniques in this fight. I wanted to take an easy win cautiously and then use more wing chun in my other fights. Looking at the video's over, I see i should have just run him over with some chain punches. Hind sight is 20/20. lol.

I was and still am pretty bummed about the outcome. I thought I had the fight in a bag. Anyways, enough complaining out of me. I promised you guys a video. Here it is:

that is part one. To see the second portion just click on the username to acess it.

enjoy my loss :-)
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Hey there, welcome back, glad to hear you've been training so hard, I watched the video, and I was disappointed by how the judges scored it, you definitely took the first round, easily dominated the second round hands down, and lost the third. At least you know that it was a bs call and anyone with eyes can see that too, it would have been cool to see you use wing tzun in the video but I understand why you didn't by all means, may I ask what other styles if any you have used, and how long you been practicing wing chun for? Take care!
Thanks for posting up man, well done for getting up there, dont beat yourself up, unsure about Kuo Shu but like anything, learn from everything.
Hey there, welcome back, glad to hear you've been training so hard, I watched the video, and I was disappointed by how the judges scored it, you definitely took the first round, easily dominated the second round hands down, and lost the third. At least you know that it was a bs call and anyone with eyes can see that too, it would have been cool to see you use wing tzun in the video but I understand why you didn't by all means, may I ask what other styles if any you have used, and how long you been practicing wing chun for? Take care!

Hey Nabakatsu, I was also disappointed that I didn't get to showcase wing chun. This competition was my first ever full contact competition so I wanted to warm up first and just build up points before getting technical, plus his punches too weird to apply wing chun blocking to without ending up chasing hands.

I haven't taken any other styles. I've watched a lot of youtube videos, spoken to a golden glove contender (one time) about the mechanics of punching with the body to get full strength. Other than that I've just practiced punches and kicks and altered them to fit my movement in terms of what makes me feel good, how fast I can throw out techniques etc. Basically, I worked on tailoring punches and kicks and throws to my body type and personality. In short, the only art that I have ardently studied under a teacher is Wing Chun. I started wing chun in 2001 while in school, practiced consistently for 3 years and after that it was very inconsistent without a teacher... sometimes with months in between.

Thanks for posting up man, well done for getting up there, dont beat yourself up, unsure about Kuo Shu but like anything, learn from everything.

Hey Domino, Thanks for the comforting message. I feel bad because I know I could have beaten the guy. I was fitter and stronger than him. My strategy for gaining points conservatively didn't work using throws and then I messed up the third round.

My opponent was apparently really hurt after our fight because he could barely move in the next fight and was thoroughly beaten and then he forfeit the next match without even fighting. What a punk? lol. I was hoping he'll take first place to make me feel better but nooo.

ahh well. Thanks for the comment D.
Looked like you didn't need headgear, he seemed to be tapping you whenever he swung for the head. 1st and 2nd round should have been yours.
Hey Domino, Thanks for the comforting message. I feel bad because I know I could have beaten the guy. I was fitter and stronger than him. My strategy for gaining points conservatively didn't work using throws and then I messed up the third round.
ahh well. Thanks for the comment D.

Your welcome and well done for getting up there. You maybe already reviewed your techniques etc but like somebody said in youtube, the judges were more likely scoring kicks and punches.
Couple of nice sweeps though, obv your favourite !! :)
well done just for getting in the ring man, irrespective of the result you can chalk it up to experience gained! thanks for posting the vid and better luck next time
I would like to say kudo's to getting in there and testing your Martial Arts skill regardless of Wing Chun mechanics or not. Great job!

I thought at least the 1st round should have went to you, but hey sometimes bs call's are part of the deal when it comes to competitions.

But best of luck next time :)
Thank you so much everyone for the words of encouragement. If i compete again I'll be sure to post it.
Dnovice, you demonstrated skill and courage. Don't feel bad about the judge's decision, you've proven what matters - that you're a true martial artist. Respect.
I think you got robbed a bit...but I am also not sure what the rules are or what type of competition it was. He has some nice counters but other than that you pretty much beat him to the punch all day long and took him down a lot.

Great job D!

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