Originally posted by nightingale8472
if you have light free weights (like 5 lbs or so), practice your punching drills while holding the weight. you'll build muscle, and when you take the weights off, your hands will be faster because you were used to compensating for the weight... same reason baseball players put weights on their bats when they're on deck.
I agree with this comment but I have a addition to go with it. When you punch with the weights, I'd start with lighter weights and please do not go full extension with them. Going full extension will damage the elbows and the shoulders.
Here is some of the drills I do when I'm training by myself.
The Basic 4. This is doing pushups and dips with a chair. Then I do a bunch of squats and lunges. Depending on how good of shape you are in, I would start with 10 to 15 each and work yourself up to 25 to 50 each, maybe more.
Sprawls. Fasten a long rope or bungee cords between 2 chairs or benches, about knee or quad high, about 15 to 20 feet apart. Start on one end and jump over the line, landing in a push up position. Remain in that position as you crawl under the line and a bit up the rope, about a body's length, before springing up into a fighting stance. With this drill, you might want to wear gloves as the impact of your hands hitting the ground hurts after awhile
Line Punching. You have probably seen this drill done in Rocky 4. Raise the line from the previous drill to chest high, maybe a bit lower, and start on one end. Duck under the the line and then come up on the other side of it with a double jab or a backfist and cross combo. My friend does this with kicking combos as well as hands. I also put tennis balls on the line to act as targets.
Towel pullups. You may have seen this on a recent wrestling show where they were promoting the Rock. Grab a old towel, find a overhead support, and throw one end of the towel over it. Grab both ends of the and do pullups with it. This is an awesome excercise to build up the strength in your grip.
Rice Bottle Training. Take a 2 litre plastic bottle, fill it up 1/2 to 3/4 full, and then glue the cap on. You may want to tape it up to but thats up to you. Hold it in one hand, let it go, and employ a palm strike and grab with the other hand. This is another awesome drill to work your grip as well as the heel palm strike. You can also roll it up and down your shins to condition them as muay thai people do. Work yourself up to using 2 and then you will be working your speed to a lesser extent as well.
I'll post more when I have the time. I hope these drills help you as much as they helped me