looking for photo


Master Black Belt
this is kindof silly, but i a little compulsive about finding things.
thing is, i was checking out gms temple kungfu. not cause i wanted to join, but because i wanted to see the picture that is in the original add.
basically, the picture that is shown in the yellow pages. it's a picture of a temple-sortof hazy i remember. so anyways, a while back i managed to find the picture but then lost it again or saved it to a place i dont know anymore where. in the meantime, it seems that gms temple kungfu is crumbling or something like that.

as for myself, i just want to have that picture. i know that there are probably tons of way cooler temples, but it's for sentimental reasons. first time i realistically thought about ma training around 12 years old, i would check out the yellow pages and get really pumped. aside from being easily fooled by english letters that are written like brushstrokes. i especially liked the temple kungfu add. it gave me this mystical ma feeling. i took a few temple kungfu classes, but had to stop because it was too expensive. but in those few classes, i learnt or saw basically all i needed to see. and the young(looking back) instructors seemed to make an honest attempt at being nice. that is what i remember. learned one good technique too. really good- a foundation for many other techniques.

so please if anyone has access to a yellowpages from canada or states or somehow have that picture, would it be possible to send it to me. or post it here.? sorry, i know it's sortof lame, but what better a place to ask than MT.?

-i did it! i started a new thread! :) sorry though if it's a bit trivial.
Nothing trivial about starting your own thread! That's what keeps MT going. Looking back on what got you started in the MAs in the first place and still being able to have good feelings about it is a great thing. I can't help you on your quest but wanted to encourage you to start more threads now that you've taken the plunge with your first one.:high5:
Allright. Thanks for the encouragement. now i see how to post threads. i'm already trying to think of ideas...it's cool because you get to start up more or less your own idea. im going to have to make the most of it.
