Looking for knife fighting footage

Here's a good video involving some knife (and gun and bludgeon) use.
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Violence is about the unfair advantage which is completely devoid of a deuling nature... many very good points have been made here about the practicality and im-practicality of knife encounters... most often they are felt not seen and also often perceived as a punch by the receiver. Most often a knifing is executed by ambush... there are times when a knife is brandished or reached for... I have yet to meet someone that sees my 9" fixed blade on my hip and has an urge to pull and duel... they more than likely dont want to get cut or stabbed and will gladly pick someone whom they can control and manipulate... If I do encounter a blade, I dont train to try and pull and engage... I engage with my body first and if time and space warrants I pull and continue...
Violence is about the unfair advantage which is completely devoid of a deuling nature... many very good points have been made here about the practicality and im-practicality of knife encounters... most often they are felt not seen and also often perceived as a punch by the receiver. Most often a knifing is executed by ambush... there are times when a knife is brandished or reached for... I have yet to meet someone that sees my 9" fixed blade on my hip and has an urge to pull and duel... they more than likely dont want to get cut or stabbed and will gladly pick someone whom they can control and manipulate... If I do encounter a blade, I dont train to try and pull and engage... I engage with my body first and if time and space warrants I pull and continue...

Undetected movement for total surprise on the enemy.......speed, surprise and violence of action.

The successful knifer is an ambush predator.......and ambush predators don't fight even battles.
Undetected movement for total surprise on the enemy.......speed, surprise and violence of action.

The successful knifer is an ambush predator.......and ambush predators don't fight even battles.

The times I have been cut/stabbed it came as a surprise attack and in many cases they hit and were back into the crowd while I was wondering why my leg where I got hit was now wet.
I started this thread 12/07. With all of the street fight vids, video'd assaults, cell phone recorded sucker punches & ***** slaps etc. seen on youtube and the like, there still isn't one video or surveillance tape showing one single knife 2 knife encounter?!?
Enquiring minds want to know, why do YOU think this is so?
In my personal encounter, there just happened to be no cameras where my "non-encounter" happened.

I started this thread 12/07. With all of the street fight vids, video'd assaults, cell phone recorded sucker punches & ***** slaps etc. seen on youtube and the like, there still isn't one video or surveillance tape showing one single knife 2 knife encounter?!?
Enquiring minds want to know, why do YOU think this is so?
In my personal encounter, there just happened to be no cameras where my "non-encounter" happened.


I think it's because, as I noted, most modern knifers are ambush predators.......and the presence of a knife in the hand of a would-be victim who is prepared, deters such attack as the element of surprise is now gone.

That hasn't always been the case.......'dueling' in earlier times not only occurred, it was actually quite common. The recorded encounters of such American luminaries as Jim Bowie seem historically accurate enough.

Dueling, however, isn't en vogue in the modern street.......ambush and group encounters seems to be the current fashion.
I started this thread 12/07. With all of the street fight vids, video'd assaults, cell phone recorded sucker punches & ***** slaps etc. seen on youtube and the like, there still isn't one video or surveillance tape showing one single knife 2 knife encounter?!?
Enquiring minds want to know, why do YOU think this is so?
In my personal encounter, there just happened to be no cameras where my "non-encounter" happened.

I am aware of one. The gist of it is: Low quality vid., 4 participants, all deployed knives, three against one. The one guy managed to fend off the attacks but not without getting hit with thrusts, tripping on a curb, and getting kicked in the nuts. The knife hits appear to be in a non-critical area.

For some reason the participants weren't insanely stupid and were unwilling to close range to deliver thrusts and cuts except in rapid in-and-out attacks which minimized contact. The three attackers attempted to surround and attack from odd angles while the defender's attention was elsewhere. The defender kept in continuous movement and attempted to use terrain and local obstacles (cars, etc.) to protect his back and limit his opponent's access to him.

Even when he gets kicked and trips, his knife prevents his opponents from swarming him.

I'm currently in a net-nannied environment so I can't test the link to see if it still is valid, but here is what I had before. Hope it works:


Peace favor your sword,
Quench on this- Its all i could find for now. 2 fighters 2 knives.


http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/knifelies.html Here's a good site to look at as well

This ones crazy-
Note in these vids The first fight flick how much distance is gained very quick with big sweeping swings of the knife and very fast. They do not show alot off these type of attacks in the training ive seen on youtube flicks.
That ive made my personal concerns on another knife thread here.
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Watch this JOCIC 6 Dan AKIDO JU JUTSU Knife deffence Pro job excellent footage style and music
I personally think that knife attack skills (Not defence) should only be for those who have showed a life comitment to True Martial Arts and have at least a black belt that shows that comitment These are People that have proven respect for the Martial arts and can be more trusted not to miss use it.
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