Looking for a training partner :)


White Belt

I recently moved to Las Vegas, NV and am looking for a training/sparring partner.

I'm not looking for someone who is not out for blood nor someone who needs something to prove. Rather, I'm looking for someone who is interested in some contact sparring from which I can learn or teach. Either (or both) is great! I welcome someone with a different style as well (e.g. wing chun, taekwondo, bjj, kali, kung fu variant, etc.)!!

I have 2 pairs of gloves, and one pair of shin pads (if we decide to use them). I also have focus mitts with mitt gloves, a wheel, and a jump rope if we'd like to train together. if you need some wraps, I think I have a pair lying around.

Location: Las Vegas, NV
My training: boxing, muay thai, mma (I began with the first two before moving to mma. Would love to do groundwork, but I don't have a proper spot to do it :/)

Hope to hear from you soon!

- Esky
Sorry, but my finances are quite strained at the moment and thus cannot commit to a school. Unless there is some special set up where I could spar/train there like once a week. If not, no worries :)
I would suggest PM'ing him, as I don't know if he will see this. No clue if he can offer you any special set up, or knows anyone in the area you could spar/train with, but asking him would be the best bet.
Eskyocha, give me a pm and I will see if I can help you out. Even if our Training Hall or private lessons is not what you are looking for I may be able to direct you to the right place and or person to get a work out in!