Starting a school is never easy and very rarely a lucrative deal. I started mine about 10 years ago because I used to be an assistant instructor at a club when I was a third dan and this other guy was a begginer. Anyway years later we’d both left the school for different reasons (no bad feelings from anyone I just moved on as for him he got busy with work) anyway bumped into him years later he asked if I was teaching I said no because I wasn’t active in karate at the time he asked if I could teach him a bit. I said sure because I had nothing better to do so I trained him outside twice a week for months I didn’t charge because frankly I didn’t see the point as I wasn’t paying for anything and any money he’d give wouldn’t do much for me anyway so I figured why bother. Eventually he asked if I could teach his daughter I said sure did that. Winter came around he suggested we rent out a hall. I found one and decided I may as well see if I can get some people in to help with the rent. I can say with certainty I have made no profit from teaching and sometimes I’m lucky to break even but I got a good real job that pays well as does my wife and my kids have moved out so I can afford it. But it’s not an easy job