What does your WC/WT/VT sparring look like?

I've used both types of gloves in WC sparring and boxing gloves are far too limiting and tend to limit your response to more what is seen in Alan's videos. It works great for him, but I think our ideas of WC are quite a bit different and I don't find boxing gloves are the best avenue for applying WC as they force you to have to 'box' more than I prefer.

Plus, I've had no problem at all using decent, open-palm 8 ounce gloves with 2 inch padding at the knuckles which gives almost the same protection as boxing gloves, but without the added bulk. You're still also able to use your palm/grip/wrist much easier than with the bulkier boxing gloves and you can still deliver as much or as little power as needed safely (but I would never encourage use the small comp 4 OZ MMA gloves of anything other than light contact sparring - too little protection and too easy to cut with)

Also, I strongly disagree with Keith's generalization of what 'chi sau' is (being about complicated "tricks"). In my experience, it is a lot more than that, but can see why he might feel this way after experiencing other school's WC methods and approaches to chi sau. Again, different understandings of WC :)
I wish your colleague would of wore 8 oz gloves when he broke my nose. It's ok, he made it up to me eventually with a dinner and movie. Haha!

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