Yea, I agree some Schools of Wing Chun utilize the 13 Spearing Principles originally meant for the Spear as opposed to the Pole.
And based on Master Benny Meng's research, the original Wing Chun Pole based on Southern Shaolin lore was actually a Spear for warfare at the time of mid 1600's around 1655 give or take a few. And it incorporated the Center line concept which is as we know today. He goes on to say that Wing Chun originally taught the components of weapons 1st as opposed to as we see today the general. SNT (SLT), CK, BJ, etc...
I'll see if I can dig up the article, its worth a read at least.
As with anything I can't say I agree 100% but I try to be subjective and open minded about Wing Chun history. And I feel everyone has something to contribute.