Lobo's avatar game

Wow, I figured this one would be easier. Here's a clue, a man of religion and knowledge, though not a man that was well respected outside his circle.
Norman Crolee Dalkley? Used the Delphi method for analyzing quality of life (I think)?
shesulsa said:
Norman Crolee Dalkley? Used the Delphi method for analyzing quality of life (I think)?

No, but one of that guess's three names is darn close to the last name of the answer.
I was thinking Alester Crowley, as it was the picture used on the front of Do What Thou Wilt : A Life of Aleister Crowley by Lawrence Sutin (I'll admit, I had to look up the author on Amazon real quick :D)
Spitz! *snicker* No, it's Nikola Tesla, like The Kai sed. Inventor - y'all oughtta read about his stuff! WAY TOTALLY KEWL!
Wow - you're right - they do look an awful lot alike!!