PS3 Kid Gets Banned (subtitled and edited version)


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I'm totally on the parents side with this one... first of all the kid is WAY too addicted to the game to even care about being punished just as long as he can still play it.
His mind is so obsessed with the game that he doesn't realize at first that it's his punishment that he can't play it.
Then threatens to go ahead and play it anyway when the parents are gone.
He's like an addict on withdrawals that he has GOT to have the game.
Then he blows his cool and attacks the father (who's videotaping)... then stomps up stairs and calls his father a "jerk"... considering it's edited I'd imagine the word was much worse.

Were this my kid... for that kind of display and insubordination and outright defiance... some teenager on the other side of town would get a free PS3 and NO amount of time or pleading or even good behavior will that kid get a new game... not an X-box, or a Wii or anything... His console game playing days are at an end until he's 18.

Terrible I agree and just as bad on the parents who allowed him to play so much that he got that addicted to it.

It's cute, funny and sad all at once watching this video.

Were this one of your kids... what would you do... after he does all that and stomps up the stairs and calls YOU a jerk (or whatever it was... can someone translate?? :uhyeah: )?
And here I thought my country was the only one with a legally enforced lack of discipline environment which could breed a kid like that. Apparently not. More's the pity.
I'm not so sure it's an addiction to the playstation as much as a child determined to make his parents do what he wants. There's plenty of footage like this on 'Supernanny' and Supernanny USA' over other toys, objects, etc. The child wants want he wants, at the moment he's focused on the playstation but it could be any number of other things and he wants it now. He's probably found in the past if he screams, shouts and threatens they will give in because they want a quiet life. Tt's the parenting thats at fault not the child.
Why did the family tape this and put it on the 'Net?

It's certainly a tantrum, whether or not the child is addicted. Is it possible that this is a fake?
Were this my kid... for that kind of display and insubordination and outright defiance... some teenager on the other side of town would get a free PS3 and NO amount of time or pleading or even good behavior will that kid get a new game... not an X-box, or a Wii or anything... His console game playing days are at an end until he's 18.

I agree, although actually, I think I'd make him watch me smash it with a hammer.

Nah, I'd probably donate it to the Pediatrics ward at the Hospital where I work for the playroom.
Were this one of your kids... what would you do... after he does all that and stomps up the stairs and calls YOU a jerk (or whatever it was... can someone translate?? :uhyeah: )?
First, I agree with you 100%. IF this were my kid, his video game playing days are over.

BUT... this didn't happen overnight. This wouldn't ever be my kid because I would never have allowed this situation to escalate like this. He would never get to this point.

Ultimately, my opinion is that this is entirely the parents' fault. While the kid will certainly need to accept responsibility for his own actions as he gets older, it's a shame that he had such crappy parents.
Sadly this is the kind of thing that happens when some parents use electronics, (video game, tv, computer etc...) to babysit their children. Some parents think nothing of leaving hundreds of dollars worth of electronics in-charge of their kids. Personally I think kids should be allowed to watch TV, play games or even learn the computer (With child safe programs) ONLY with supervision and when simple things like school work, chores & even at a young age the child has learned to behave have been fullfilled. Too many parents, (my sister in-law included) will provide TV's, VCR's, Dvd players, & even computers in an 5-8 year olds room. I am afraid it can be a status thing, my child operates the remote for the TV & DVD player, computer etc... by age 5-6, isn't he a genius? Such electronics should be an allowed reward for the child, but a $300 game system is not a given to a childs upbringing. Some parents can't go anywhere with their kids without occupying them with a Gameboy or PSP (Or such tantrums begin). Even at older ages this free flowing expectation of electronics can have poor behavior/immature affects on our future generations. Example: When I was teaching as adjuct faculty at G.W. Univ. in DC I rode a shuttle to another part of campus to teach a class. A 20 year old kid sat opposite of me. He sat down, unloaded his laptop onto his lap, started searching for a wi-fi signal and copied notes from a classmate online from a class he had missed, opened a Palm device and started texting, and then (LOL) opened his cell phone and called Mom to ask for $300 for an upcoming concert. His Mom must have asked what grade he thought he might receive in one of his classes, and he started gripping & rationalizing that the teacher hated him and whatever grade he got was to be unfair and ignored, then re-insisted (In a childlike angry voice) that she send him money into his account. This kid had hundreds of dollars of eletronics at his diposal and all he was worried about was the Fish concert. This is one of those college students (At a world reknowned Univ.) who can't spell correctly cause he has used spell check most of his education and hardly writes anything by hand. LOL. Kids at a young age should be taught that such things are not just given but earned & not abused. It is the parents letting the electronics become so dominate (Not that kids can't learn to use these electronics, just as long as they don't rule the kids life) that things can get way out of balance. Electronics have their place, just not as a babysitter. JMHO.
Why did the family tape this and put it on the 'Net?

It's certainly a tantrum, whether or not the child is addicted. Is it possible that this is a fake?
I had the same questions.

Maybe I'm just stranger than I realized... but I don't see the point in videorecording your kid's tantrum. What are you going to do? Show it to him when he's old enough to realize how stupid he was being? Save it to embarrass him with a fiance? Nah, let's post it on the web NOW... Don't know what purpose that serves, either.

Kid was pitching a fit over not being able to do what he wants. If it's real, I suspect he doesn't hear no very often.
I will make him play Atari and ask him to correctly identify every part of the game. Then I would lock him outside and make him play like my parents did to me "IN OR OUT" was my parents mantra. And a good ole' spanking I think kids these days are to soft. My nephew is 10 and has not even been in a fight soft I say!!
Why did the family tape this and put it on the 'Net?

It's certainly a tantrum, whether or not the child is addicted. Is it possible that this is a fake?

I agree that it's a sad video but I had a similar reaction Gordon. Why tape this and put it out there? What's the point?

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