For those of you who love online strategy/rpg games..


Brown Belt
Founding Member
There's a new game called Kings of Chaos online. It's a free, turn based system. I'm interested in starting up an army of you fellow martial-talkers who like this kind of thing. The first link below is my link. Clicking on this one will recruit you into my army, and my army will be able to protect you if you are attacked. This will give me one more unit, and if you are under me, every 2 units you get will give me an additional one, building up my support capabilities. I just want to make it clear that I'm not trying to trick anyone into hitting the link, I'm stating what it is before you click it. However, if you want to start your own army, (which is ok to do, but you won't have anyone to back you up), go to the second link for a new account. Let's try to get a good army going!

To get recruited into my army:

To get into the site to start your own:
I forgot to mention, if you sign on with me, either pm me or post your unique link here. (you'll find your unique link at the top of the camp screen. it's what you clicked on to get recruited.) I, and anyone else, can click on it, and you'll get another unit. another unit=more money each turn. this can be done every 24 hours. basically, we can give each other power daily. let's get a good thing going! :D
Originally posted by deadhand31
I forgot to mention, if you sign on with me, either pm me or post your unique link here. (you'll find your unique link at the top of the camp screen. it's what you clicked on to get recruited.) I, and anyone else, can click on it, and you'll get another unit. another unit=more money each turn. this can be done every 24 hours. basically, we can give each other power daily. let's get a good thing going! :D

That plan sounds like it definitely violates the rules of this game. If someone from the game read this post and reported you, wouldn't you get banned from it?
jsut what is the basic idea of the game
is it pvp army v army etc.
how do you build weapons, fight , etc.
in general can you tell us a little more about it

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