Living, breathing, Wing Chun Dummy


Master Black Belt
I know most schools don't incorporate the WCWT dummy until years later in training, but....

I train with huge man with tree trunk legs, and have realized, he's my living dummy. Was thinking that if I'd started Practicing WC/WT techniques on a wooden dummy right off (like the drills you do with a person) that would have refined my structure much quicker with Tan Sau, heel kicking, pivoting around and through attackers "guard" much, much more solidly and completely quicker. Without as much of the aggravation of collapsing all the time first starting out.
What are your thoughts?
i have a mook and everyone has told me its too early to be let loose on it with the exception of my sifu.
master james did a wooden dummy seminar and i went altho told it was above my level and it wouldnt be as useful as it could be had i been more advanced.....BUT it was amazing.

i believe i have learnt footwork, distance strength of stance,correct positioning of limbs/blocks/strikes and i can even practice my single chi sao on it, (lok sau is a no no tho :( )
si would recommend anyone at any level to get shown how to drill on a mook.

i would still prefer a partner who i could touch hands with everyday tho!
The Wooden man is a substitute for when you don't have partner to spar. The Wooden man form should come much later when your advance in other three forms. So that way you have basic self defense tactics down. But working on the wooden man has to condition your arms so you can bang arms with men and women who have hard bony arms. Also It helps to refine your technique and stucture. You can actaully break down Techniques and sequences from Chum Kiu, Sil lim Tao and Bil Gee and drill them on Mook Jong. An you can do free applications as well. Alot of help with Memory. Along with that somepeople have a wall bag at the top of their dummy for doing Tan da, Bong Da, Pak Da, Wu da Jum Da and Gan da or Gum Da drills on the Mook Jong.

i have a mook and everyone has told me its too early to be let loose on it with the exception of my sifu.
master james did a wooden dummy seminar and i went altho told it was above my level and it wouldnt be as useful as it could be had i been more advanced.....BUT it was amazing.

i believe i have learnt footwork, distance strength of stance,correct positioning of limbs/blocks/strikes and i can even practice my single chi sao on it, (lok sau is a no no tho :( )
si would recommend anyone at any level to get shown how to drill on a mook.

i would still prefer a partner who i could touch hands with everyday tho!
have a wall bag at the top of their dummy for doing Tan da, Bong Da, Pak Da, Wu da Jum Da and Gan da or Gum Da drills on the Mook Jong.

What's all that? (my terminology is totally lacking)

I often don't have anyone to work with. Hubbie's busy. With work, the rec. center, weight training, and soon school for both of us, and a toddler, I'm usually trying to figure out new ways to train bymyself.
I want a dummy soooo bad!
I wouldn't do dummy form on it (don't know it) but it would be fun to practice applications he shows me, and drill them more, and just fool around with it to see what I come up with too. Kinda improv.
Although you could look on youtube an learn the dummy form. An then later have hubbie correct your mistakes and refine the dummy form so you won't be lacking...

Just an humble opinion...

What's all that? (my terminology is totally lacking)

I often don't have anyone to work with. Hubbie's busy. With work, the rec. center, weight training, and soon school for both of us, and a toddler, I'm usually trying to figure out new ways to train bymyself.
I want a dummy soooo bad!
I wouldn't do dummy form on it (don't know it) but it would be fun to practice applications he shows me, and drill them more, and just fool around with it to see what I come up with too. Kinda improv.
I could, but it wouldn't be the same as being show correctly. You only get one angle in a video. That would be like learning chi sau from videos, wouldn't it?

I'll probably have to start doing stuff like that and catch up to where I'm supposed to be.
No, Doing Chi sau would be a little different because you need a partner. But learning how to step and do certain hand techniques actually are easy. Especially after you been doing Wing Chun for a very long time. My Sifu Sihing can watch videos and read books on other styles and learn a complete system before actually learning the system. In fact he learn one system so good from a book alone. That when he finally went to a school to learn the system he could already beat the top students with their own gung fu style. The only one he couldn't defeat was the Sifu.

Yea, But usually when I watch my sifu do a form I usually see it from one angle usually stand in front him. I don't circle him too much. Because its kind of hard to watch him from the back and front at the same time! lol...

But Videos have help me alot especially when I am not at class. The refresh my memory. I made a video of Sil Lim Tao,Ma Form, Northern Drill and Bashi years ago. I like to go back to it to make sure I have deviated to far from the originial!
Does anyone ever practice light elbow strikes or inch punches on their desk at work when no one is around?

Do you guys ever meditate on Wing Chun forms and applications. Like you know when you were a kid you might day dream the opposite sex or some fantasy. Do you ever meditate on doing Wing Chun when your at Work,in the car,at church,at school,at the park with the kids, etc?
Does anyone ever practice light elbow strikes or inch punches on their desk at work when no one is around?

Do you guys ever meditate on Wing Chun forms and applications. Like you know when you were a kid you might day dream the opposite sex or some fantasy. Do you ever meditate on doing Wing Chun when your at Work,in the car,at church,at school,at the park with the kids, etc?

All the time! Techniques that I think are neat, just learned or trying to figure out pop in my head on the crapper, when I take the trash out, when playing with baby girl (she's really good gung fu training!), sweeping, mopping I try to stay in basic stance and pivot.
It's kind of an obsession, no?
Hubbies even worse.
What's all that? (my terminology is totally lacking)

I often don't have anyone to work with. Hubbie's busy. With work, the rec. center, weight training, and soon school for both of us, and a toddler, I'm usually trying to figure out new ways to train bymyself.
I want a dummy soooo bad!
I wouldn't do dummy form on it (don't know it) but it would be fun to practice applications he shows me, and drill them more, and just fool around with it to see what I come up with too. Kinda improv.

If it's a choice between not being able to train with a partner at all and training on a wooden dummy then I would definitely train on a wooden dummy , I don't recommend copying off people on you tube .

What your copying might not even be correct , every man and his dog can put a video up on the internet these days and a lot of them leave a lot to be desired.

Just practice the applications that your hubbie has taught you on the mook jong that is the best way until your ready to learn the form .( jeez I don't know if I'd appreciate my missus calling me a living dummy lol )

And for Yosh's Question , I have done stuff at work I used to work in a kitchen factory and when nobody was looking I would do one inch punches on these cardboard boxes that used to be stacked on pallets , till people started wondering where the hell these mysterious holes were coming from .

Also I used to catch the train to that job early in the morning , so as I'm sitting there on the way to this boring crappy job , I would visualise going through all the movements of the SLT form in fine detail with my eyes closed .

Well sometimes I would nod off to sleep , and you no how sometimes when your on that borderline between sleep and awake you might make some sort of sudden involuntary movement , that happened a couple of times and you wake up and people are looking at you like you are a psycho ( over here Johnny come away from the scarey man )

All the time! Techniques that I think are neat, just learned or trying to figure out pop in my head on the crapper, when I take the trash out, when playing with baby girl (she's really good gung fu training!), sweeping, mopping I try to stay in basic stance and pivot.
It's kind of an obsession, no?
Hubbies even worse.
All the time! Techniques that I think are neat, just learned or trying to figure out pop in my head on the crapper,
Little bit too much information there mate lol , but its a good line I might use it for my new sig .
Does anyone ever practice light elbow strikes or inch punches on their desk at work when no one is around?

Do you guys ever meditate on Wing Chun forms and applications. Like you know when you were a kid you might day dream the opposite sex or some fantasy. Do you ever meditate on doing Wing Chun when your at Work,in the car,at church,at school,at the park with the kids, etc?

at work our doors have handles instead of knobs, so when i open them i do a Gan Da.
At my desk i run thru the motions of 1st form and work on my huen saus.

Meaning that he just thinks, talks, and practices wing chun much, much more. Not that, that's a bad thing, just he's almost constantly reading, watching videos, movies, practicing in the kitchen, etc. He'll walk by me in the apartment and grab me, or ask me questions about what to do in defense if caught, say, in our kitchen. (which is a tiny one stepper kitchen really good for practicing close quarters techniques) All while I'm just trying to cook or something. :)

He'll also stand in front of me like a Wooden dummy with his arms out to have me drill tan sau like you would on the actual wooden dummy. His arms are strong, and it's a good drill for me since we don't have a dummy.
Awww Ha Ha thats funny. Calling your a hubbie a dummy!

Meaning that he just thinks, talks, and practices wing chun much, much more. Not that, that's a bad thing, just he's almost constantly reading, watching videos, movies, practicing in the kitchen, etc. He'll walk by me in the apartment and grab me, or ask me questions about what to do in defense if caught, say, in our kitchen. (which is a tiny one stepper kitchen really good for practicing close quarters techniques) All while I'm just trying to cook or something. :)

He'll also stand in front of me like a Wooden dummy with his arms out to have me drill tan sau like you would on the actual wooden dummy. His arms are strong, and it's a good drill for me since we don't have a dummy.

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