
Originally Posted by kenpo3631
I noticed that the "Seniors" listed on this forum are Chape'l, Trejo, Hebler, Kelly, LaBounty, Mills, Palanzo, Planas, Sullivan, Tatum, & Conatser. I didn't see Wedlake on this list.

I mean no disrespect by this post but why isn't Wedlake listed? He became a direct student in 1979 as well as Mr. Conatser. Mr. Mills became one in 1980. That's only a 10 to 11 year prior to the SGM's passing, a far cry from when the other individuals on this list began training with Mr. Parker.

Which raises the question, are they there because of their status (as heads of organizations)? Is Wedlake not qualified as a Senior? After all he began training in the same year as Mr. Conatser and yet Mr. C is listed as a Senior and Wedlake isn't.
Doc said:
Actually Lee is simply not listed, not unlisted as a senior. You can't list everybody, especially people who don't participate. However if there were a large group of Lee's students who wanted a listing so they could discuss things from his teaching perspective, I'm sure they would be accommodated. When it was created, it was with the idea that these guys would particpate, and some have chosen not to. Perhaps their names should be removed until they decide to join in. Not my call. Better yet, tell Lee to get his hips over here so I can get a hold of him. Lee's a good friend and it doesn't bother him in the least. However there are a bunch of forums out there that don't mention me at all and I think that's a bunch of crap.

Both Mr. Wedlake and Mr. Mills are not listed as they are not currently members of this forum. If they were to join, we would gladly add their names to the list as being participating Kenpo Seniors here. Others listed either are or were members, or we had been told they were coming so we added them in advance. We need to update the list. We tried similar recognition on KenpoTalk, adding a forum for many of the seniors lineages. Very few joined, and fewer participated unfortunately. I am aware that all of these gentlemen are busy, and many prefer to avoid forums due to past or ongoing concerns. If they were to become active members, either here or on KenpoTalk (or both), our staffs would do their utmost (within reason) to accomidate them and their students needs. If you would like to see them here, politely asking them to might help. I would be happy to talk to any of them to discuss any concerns or reservations they might have.

Ray said:
Apparently you don't understand the religious doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If Mr. Parker held back on promoting men of color, it wasn't due to the doctrine of the LDS Church.

Thank you. You saved me some typing :ultracool


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