The Journey

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob_Broad
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Upon further review, of the pic. The only person I could truely say I think it is. Is the King himself Elvis.

It may be a long shot but I'll stick with that.

dot :asian:
I am reading it for the first time, and I love it. The art work by Mr. Parker jr. is second to none, and each and every story is not only fascinating but also inspirational.

Thank you Nathan_sau for loaning me the book, I will now have to get out and buy my own copy.


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Love to come back down under! Set it up and call me.



Mr. C, has Master Monea been in contact with you or vice versa yet? If there is no joy there, I happen to be on fairly good speaking terms with the head of AKKSA, and I might suggest it to him, as long as there are no political hang ups(if you know what I mean..)


Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I know of or have no political problems with anyone Down Under. The only 2 individuals that I know are Baron Jon Van Wijk (Sidney) and Lois Tomson (may have a different last name now)(Melborne) who used to be my student.

But I am on good terms with all as far as I know. I know of no struggles etc.

I'm a free agent just spreadin' the word. LOL


Do you know if Lois Tomson teaches, at all. If so would you have any contact details for her.

Have you been in touch with Master Monea yet, because I know he is trying to bring as many people as possible out here for seminars this year. I for one would be absolutely blown away to be at one of your seminars. I know a few others who would enjoy the experience as much as I.

Also I would love to know what you happen to think of Mr. van Wijk.

I have found so far that other high ranking individuals feel in a fairly similar way to me, with regards to him.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

That she does teach...... but that is rumor....... I would be surprised if she didn't to tell you the truth. I have not spoken to her in about 10 years or so. I do know her ex husband and he has her contact numbers if you would like them. He lives close to me. Let me know.


Yes Sir, I am letting you know! If you could get me a contact number, I would be very grateful. My step son is interested in training American Kenpo again, but not under our original instructor. At the moment I am happy, just doing what I am doing.
Thank You.


I'd love to have a copy of that book autographed by each person
in it.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

After reading the journey a couple times, I have to say my favorite bio is that of Doreen Cogliandro. It is so inspirirng and then when I met her recently I knew there was much more to her than some pretty words in a book. She has a gusto for life and kenpo that is truly inspiring.

There was also this one guy in there with a pretty neat fro on page 187 that scared me a little. I wonder what he is doing these days, probably hard time somewhere.

That's cool! I heard that Huk's seminars are just super, but
outside of the teaching hours, he prefers not to discuss kenpo.
Major bummer to us newbies!
Mr. C,

My copy of the Journey got ripped off before I could even
look at it :( ... I plan on buying it again soon. Does your story
tell us why you got into m.a. (what made ya do it?) . If not,
is that something you can share with us here?
Originally posted by tshadowchaser
May I inquire wrote the book and who the publisher is?

The Journey:
by Tom Bleecker, Joe Hyams

Paperback - 326 pages
Gilderoy Publications; ISBN: 0965313247
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

That she does teach...... but that is rumor....... I would be surprised if she didn't to tell you the truth. I have not spoken to her in about 10 years or so. I do know her ex husband and he has her contact numbers if you would like them. He lives close to me. Let me know.

Boy, you sure get around ... you know everybody! :)
That rocks, in my book!
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

why that should surprise you? Most top people in their chosen fields if they are worth a damn know all the main or key players and have worked with them at some point. There are very few of the "who's who" of Kenpo that I don't know or that don't know me.:

I consider my instructor to be very knowledgeable, yet humble.
He's definitely note one of the "who's who". Yet you know him
too. I can definitely go with the fact that those that are tops
in their fields know each other, but Australia's a long ways away!
I guess in my typical Ugly American thinking, I was surprised
that you knew SO MANY so distant!
I have yet to peruse, or buy the book!! I shall!


I just picked up a copy at a recent Kenpo Camp, and was lucky enough to have it autographed by Ms. Doreen Cogliandro, an 8th Degree Black belt that was giving a seminar at the camp and whom is featured in the book.

Her story is very inspirational, and I agree this is a great book for anyone to read, whatever their type of training may be.

So far I've only had a chance to read Ms. Cogliandro's (because I had the priviledge of meeting her), Dennis Conatser's (because my instructor has mentioned him, and I know he's a frequent poster here at martialtalk) and started Larry Tatum's (because I love his instructional tapes).

This is going to be a great read. Hopefully I'll get the chance to meet more of these 24 people in the future, and lots more that didn't make it into the first book.

I highly recommend this book. Its well worth the money.

take care
After seeing some of the postings on another forum, alot of people were cyring about this person not being in or that person.
Interesting though that he was saying most of BS was from their students not the individuals. :(

I did like Mr Conatsers bio because it starts out, "I grew up in Denver in the small suburb of Arvata". I live in Denver, but I've never heard of Arvata. I do know where Arvada is, small suburb just west of me and not too far from the karate school I help teach at. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry had throw that in there GD!!!
Maybe that's how they spelled it in the 30's :eek:

I also liked Mr. Wedlake's bio (have to suck up to my instructor's instructor)

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Much of the book was done via phone and tape-recording then transcribed to print. I caught the misspelling but the corrected version missed the press!! I will be corrected if there ever are future reprints of the book. :shrug:


If it's not too personal, what was the illness that forced you to move, and have you ever thought of moving back?
It's not nearly as hot here, but it does get cold sometimes.


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