Life-long friendships at the dojo?


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
I belonged to a kickboxing/boxing gym that produced many great fighters. Ten years ago, our trainer died at the age of 42. A group of 70 people who trained at the gym over the years got together to celebrate our trainer a few months before he died. Last night, we had a reunion of folks from the gym.

It made me think of the bond that training can have on people. Have you experienced the kind of closeness that brings life-long friendships with the people you've trained with? Training partners? Instructors? I'd love to hear your stories!
My respect goes out to you for still remembering/honouring your teacher. In this modern world, that doesn't happen alot anymore.

Longlife friendships, maybe. Still have to meet the first person to know that. Or maybe my views are just too pessimistic and have I already lost a long life friend. Can't tell from where I'm standing in life now, still a long path ahead of me and I'm not sure where it will take me. A common expression here is: "out of sight, out of heart".

Than again, who knows :)
As John said it is great that you all did that for your instructor, honor is not as prevalent as it used to be.

In my T school we have a few who have formed stringer bonds than with others. It is a bit easier for us, I think, as we already are all in this with some common beliefs (90% of our school are all Homeschoolers, with similar religious beliefs), so add on Martial Arts and that just makes it easier for us.

There is one woman we have become great friends with. She is in the adult class with us and her 2 kids are in with my kids. She grew up real close to where I did in South Dallas. Her Husband was in the Army, I was in the Army. They are conservative, we are conservative. They attend a Baptist church, so do we. I'm sure I could come up with more similarities but you get my point.
Many great friendships from training.

My best friend is also a Dojo brother, we started Jujutsu at the same time and became traihing partners.

He is my first born son's Godfather ( I'm not Catholic but I like the tradition, I have one.) and also the co-owner of the Dojo we both founded.

There are 2 other guys we are real tight with and I pretty much like everyone who trains with us.