Lemme amplify this analysis of the third sister:
Her answer to Q.... her sisters KNOW... truth of claim of matchup... response to Q
true (=1).................false (=0)..................0 (=no)................0 (true, ex. hyp)
false (=0)................false (=0)..................1 (=yes)..............0 (false, ex. hyp)
In both cases, the answer she gives is no, reflecting either the truth of the non-matchup, or the false claim that there is a non-matchup. In the case of her intention to tell the truth, `no' is the truthful answer as to whether her sisters' ability to make the correct inference from her response (false) corresponds to the truth-value of her response (true). 1≠0, eh? In the case of her false answer, `no' is the lie that there is a difference between her sister's ability to make the right inference (which is a false claim) and the truth of her answer (which is also false). 0=0, so the true answer to Q is`yes'; therefore, in order to lie, as supposed by this scenario, she must answer `no'. Repeat: in the latter case, both her answer and the claim that her sisters know what's going on wrt to her answer are false, hence the answer to Q should be `yes'. But since she's lying (by assumption), her actual answer will be `no'. Hence, to satisfy the assumptions that she only has two choices, to lie or tell the truth, and that she knows what the truth is even in the case where she lies in answer to Q, and to conform to the usual definitions of `lie' and `tell the truth', she has to answer `no' in both cases.
Her answer to Q.... her sisters KNOW... truth of claim of matchup... response to Q
true (=1).................false (=0)..................0 (=no)................0 (true, ex. hyp)
false (=0)................false (=0)..................1 (=yes)..............0 (false, ex. hyp)
In both cases, the answer she gives is no, reflecting either the truth of the non-matchup, or the false claim that there is a non-matchup. In the case of her intention to tell the truth, `no' is the truthful answer as to whether her sisters' ability to make the correct inference from her response (false) corresponds to the truth-value of her response (true). 1≠0, eh? In the case of her false answer, `no' is the lie that there is a difference between her sister's ability to make the right inference (which is a false claim) and the truth of her answer (which is also false). 0=0, so the true answer to Q is`yes'; therefore, in order to lie, as supposed by this scenario, she must answer `no'. Repeat: in the latter case, both her answer and the claim that her sisters know what's going on wrt to her answer are false, hence the answer to Q should be `yes'. But since she's lying (by assumption), her actual answer will be `no'. Hence, to satisfy the assumptions that she only has two choices, to lie or tell the truth, and that she knows what the truth is even in the case where she lies in answer to Q, and to conform to the usual definitions of `lie' and `tell the truth', she has to answer `no' in both cases.