Lest We Forget!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Gotten this e-mail with the following message and link...

You may or may not agree with the President's decision to send troops to Iraq but here's a visual reminder of who they are.

It's full of poignant images and some that are worth a smile.

:asian: to our troops abroad, may they all come home soon.
I may not be american but I totally disagree to bush sending the troops out to Iraq, Bush has caught sadam, hasnt he? yes, then why are there still troops in Iraq?
bobster_ice, The purpose of this thread was not to discuss the merits or legitimacy of the current war. I'm sure there are plenty of threads in the Study about that topic.

BTW: Caver, the link didn't wok for me...
Link worked for me Caver.

There are a lot of brave men and women fighting and serving all over the world, not just Iraq and afghanistan. I especially hope all those who are deployed have found strength in their fellow soldiers, peace in themselves and are able to see their families soon.
kenpotex said:
BTW: Caver, the link didn't wok for me...
Umm, not sure what to do about that.... Perhaps the Geek Squad here on MT can help... Fellas? Ladies? Anyone? Bueller?