

Master of Blades

How many of your teachers or you are licensed to teach there art. For example my teacher has a license from the goverment of Korea to teach Hapkido and permission from his teacher to teach Kali. But I recently heard that you dont have to have a license to actually teach! Is this true or dso you actually need a license. And again, how many of your teachers actually do? :asian:
here, all you need is a business license (leaves alot of shady grey for the bogus senseis, huh?)

ive got a certificate which allows me to teach. its more like a permission from the instructors, so nobody can call you a fraud.
incidentally, i dont teach.only one on one for friends that ask. i plan on staying a student forever. or until i open my not for profit academy.:)
Originally posted by Master of Blades

How many of your teachers or you are licensed to teach there art. For example my teacher has a license from the goverment of Korea to teach Hapkido and permission from his teacher to teach Kali. But I recently heard that you dont have to have a license to actually teach! Is this true or dso you actually need a license. And again, how many of your teachers actually do? :asian:

License? ! ?


Hmmm? I know that the Korean arts that are sponsored by the Korean Government have this License or membership, but most of the other arts I know of may have a membership fee or a school membership fee. The certificates, if any issued, are what license many people to teach.

And yes Virginia, there are people out there who have no knowledge and no rank and not permission from their instructors to teach and yet they do teach.

Me personally, I have permission from the instructors who signed my rank certificates in Modern Arnis. Is this permission written down? No, it is not.

I know of no state in the U.S.A at this time that requires a license to teach either, but this does not mean that in England one is not required.

Just my knowledge, if anyone has anything different, please let me know.


:D :cool:
If you are training in YiLiQuan, you can ask your instructor to show his license...The YiLiQuan Association requires that each club/school be licensed by the provides for continuity of instruction across the different regions and also helps to prevent the occasional charlatan from making false claims.

I don't think it is necessary for a government agency to issue license...but each Association/organization probably should consider it...It would keep the occasional idiot from going out and claiming that he is a 100th degree black belt in YOUR system...

Of course the idiots will still be there and they may print there own phony license...but it won't have your logo on it...and it won't have your head instructor's signature...two things a prospective student might want to see before signing on with another McDojo.


The IDKA requires it's instructors be certified to teach the Self- Defense Science of Dragon Kenpo, either by another organization or we certify them. Some, require tests, others require only proof of the certificate of at least 1st Dan ranking. The tests range from overall martial knowledge to demonstration of physical skill. Through organization rank testing, if their is an instructor whom is not up to the standards; the rank test will expose them and they will be required to meet the standards within a reasonable amount of time; or be listed as member not in good standing! I require my assistant instructors (3rd-1st brown) be certified by our certification institute before they become certified black belt instructors with the IDKA. Our Consortium's Black Dragon Clandestine Combatives Institute also offer's assistant instructor certification to any martial arts brown belt from any style. All they have to do is join. The reqiurements are; write 3 thesis for each belt rank on techniques, kata, forms, and teaching. Also write 1 paper on breaking the form/kata down and explain it's components in to a lower ranking student. 1 paper on the the martial way. 1 paper on the basic fundamentals of teaching methods to a class. 1 paper on teaching a private woman's class. Send in a video of themselves teaching at least 3 techniques, kata, forms or any combination of!
Sincerely, In Humility;
License? How odd..... I teach on occasion and do not have a license or a cert. or premission from any one. People who dont like it dont have to train with me. I can not imagine who would have the athority to say who and what I am allowed to teach.

Despair Bear