Liberals and black face comedy...what gives?

There's nothing funny about Obama authorizing the kill on OBL. He got him. Your guy didn't. Your guy got voted in again. Obama WILL be voted in again, if for no other reason for that one alone.

It's not funny ... but I'm laughing my *** off.

Fact is George didn't want to kill OBL he was too good for business to keep the wars and profits for his buddies going while low income and patriotic young people do the dying and injuries to support the profits of the 1%

GOP Republicans anything a democrat or black person does BADDDDDDDDDDDD anything a Republican does Goodddddddddddd
Yeah, I'll give you that. You are both smart, good people and martialtalk is lucky to have you here. You guys do get a little grumpy though...

As you would with a recalcitrant child who persists in not seeing the truth of a situation to the point where what it says is crass and downright wrong, not to say harmful, because they simply haven't done their homework.
In France last week as the people were protesting austerity cuts and unemployment they had an OWS chant going ( there is no shortage of money it is in the pockets of the CEO's) and I don't think anyone was in black face?
Well Bill no one seems to care about black face or they are to busy with thier make up this morning I am going to leave mine of when I teach class tonight since you done it and outed all us evil liberals and demcrats laying around just figuring out ways to get your money which given the number of posts you have time for must be substantial or are you on public assistance no say it ain't so
Well Bill no one seems to care about black face or they are to busy with thier make up this morning I am going to leave mine of when I teach class tonight since you done it and outed all us evil liberals and demcrats laying around just figuring out ways to get your money which given the number of posts you have time for must be substantial or are you on public assistance no say it ain't so

Dan, dial it back on the personal attacks. Deride the argument, not the person. That's how we do it here.

Oh yeah, and it's also in the rules.

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Thank you Josh. As much as we disagree, you are always polite about it. I appreciate that...
I haven't read this thread until today.

I think comedy, any comedy, is or isn't offensive depending on the spirit in which it was written/performed, and to the audience (or the thickness of their skin, regardless of it's hue) to which it is presented to.

I use to watch Amos and Andy as a little kid. I laughed a lot and really loved the show. I usually watched it with the Robinsons, who were a black family who lived above us in the projects. They laughed even more than I did, frequently pointing out to me which of their uncles somebody on the show reminded them of.

I suppose if I were to watch the episodes today, some people would call me something or other. Especially if I laughed. Ah, well, screw em'.
Here is another democrat politician wearing black face...what is it with democrats and racist behavior like this...of course this guy won't suffer for it...

A veteran New York Assemblyman says he meant no offense when he wore blackface makeup, an Afro wig, and a basketball jersey to a costume party.
Democratic Assemblyman Dov Hikind tells CBS Newsradio 880 in New York he doesn't regret the costume he wore to a party he recently held at his home in Brooklyn for the Jewish holiday of Purim.
A spokesman for Hikind says Monday that the Democrat with 30 years in the state Assembly wasn't immediately available for comment. But he says Hikind isn't trying to avoid the issue.
CBS reports Hikind hired a makeup artist and wore an orange basketball jersey and sunglasses. He told CBS he never thought the outfit would be offensive.


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Here is another democrat politician wearing black face...what is it with democrats and racist behavior like this...of course this guy won't suffer for it...


Honest question. Is this offensive? When I think of black face, I think of the dark black makeup and the big, white lips... almost clownlike, usually worn with a suit and white gloves.

Is it now offensive to be in costume as any race other than the one you're born into? And is that, regardless of the costume, still considered "blackface?"

To be clear, I don't know what the costume that this guy was, and it may be terribly offensive. I'm asking whether any white person dressed up as any black person is, by definition, black face, and therefore "racist." Was Robert Downey Jr in black face in Tropic Thunder?