Now that we have a specific Parker Kenpo forum (thank you Clyde) I'd like to see it get used for some technical discussion rather then the Federation/Organization/16-24-32 arguements. We're still all doing Kenpo right?? OK 
Since this is my thread I've appointed ME to pick the first technique
Protecting Fans (defense against left-right straignt punch combo)
I'll lay out how I do it(more or less) and then let's all comment on the steps. Let's all give feedback on differences/variations how's and why's and any fancy terms you may have. Just remember to reference which step your commenting on.
1. As the left stright punch is delivered, step to a left neutral bow towards 10:30 with a left inward parry to the inside of your opponent's left fist/arm.
2. As the right punch is delivered, transition into a left forward bow with a right outward extended block(open hand) to the outside of your opponent's right arm, at or above the elbow. Left hand is chambered at your left hip.
3. Convert your extended outward block to a grab at his right wrist as you transition through a right cat stance and deliver a right snapping front kick to the groin as you deleiver a left 4-finger poke to his eyes, while pulling his right arm to your right hip.
4. As you land from your kick, drop your left hand to a check at his right bicep and execute a right inward elbow strike to his solar plexus. Right knee check as well.
5. Using POO of your elbow strike, circle your right hand up for an outward 2 finger slice to his right eye.
6. Step-though in reverse as you deliever a right front scoop kick to the groin with a right 2-finger hook to his right eye and a left hand depth check(heel-palm).
X-cover ....and any other fancy exit moves you have.
So we have 6 steps or so. Comments on 1 or all are welcome
If you haven't learned this technique yet, let's start more threads like this with the earlier techniqes. That way we don't leave anyone out.

Since this is my thread I've appointed ME to pick the first technique

Protecting Fans (defense against left-right straignt punch combo)
I'll lay out how I do it(more or less) and then let's all comment on the steps. Let's all give feedback on differences/variations how's and why's and any fancy terms you may have. Just remember to reference which step your commenting on.
1. As the left stright punch is delivered, step to a left neutral bow towards 10:30 with a left inward parry to the inside of your opponent's left fist/arm.
2. As the right punch is delivered, transition into a left forward bow with a right outward extended block(open hand) to the outside of your opponent's right arm, at or above the elbow. Left hand is chambered at your left hip.
3. Convert your extended outward block to a grab at his right wrist as you transition through a right cat stance and deliver a right snapping front kick to the groin as you deleiver a left 4-finger poke to his eyes, while pulling his right arm to your right hip.
4. As you land from your kick, drop your left hand to a check at his right bicep and execute a right inward elbow strike to his solar plexus. Right knee check as well.
5. Using POO of your elbow strike, circle your right hand up for an outward 2 finger slice to his right eye.
6. Step-though in reverse as you deliever a right front scoop kick to the groin with a right 2-finger hook to his right eye and a left hand depth check(heel-palm).
X-cover ....and any other fancy exit moves you have.
So we have 6 steps or so. Comments on 1 or all are welcome

If you haven't learned this technique yet, let's start more threads like this with the earlier techniqes. That way we don't leave anyone out.