So based on my experiences, I don't have a problem if people choose to smoke pot, responsibly, moderately, and preferably at home. It's not my business. I'm too busy taking care of my family, my job, and my martial arts addiction.
I'm hip (and I agree with your other statements too).
I do not run around telling people to stop smoking dope. I don't lie awake at night in bed worrying about it.
However, everyone is allowed to have an opinion, and mine remains that marijuana is dangerous, dealers are evil, and pot ought to remain illegal. I will vote for it to remain illegal if it ever comes to my state (we have 'medical marijuana' now, passed by plebiscite last fall). If it is raised as a Bill in the legislature, I'll trouble myself to call my representatives and ask them to vote against it. Democracy in action.
If it becomes legal anyway, then that will be the law. Again, I won't lose sleep over it. But I'll still be against it.