Master Black Belt
I would say you have a big advantage but need to know what is orthodox for you in each stance. If right footed, know when/where/why to have right foot back or forward. Same for a lead hand.Which stance I should pick?
One trainer tell me stay southpaw, you have a big advantage in this stance but every time I throw the jab my liver is open and the straight to my liver is the death shot for every southpaw
Dubios and Joshua drop Usyk with a bodyshot it’s the biggest weakness for a southpaw but in orthodox stance is my footwork better and I can use my lowkicks, in orthodox is my jab very powerful and hooks to the head and the liver I don’t know which stance I should pick I train boxing and Muay Thai, what should I do?
In southpaw stance I feel not comfortable like in orthodox my back foot is moving and not staying on the ground..
This is where kicking styles are very different from boxing.