lazy guy posting...


Blue Belt
So, here I am. My family and I have made it through another Christmas. I haven’t gained or lost any weight. I haven’t worked out since last Wednesday. It’s been a week since I’ve gone to the gym. I’m feeling lazier than usual. I sat on my widening *** for three days straight. Now I don’t want to move again. I go through this about three times a year. I get into a funk I strain and struggle to get out of. I’m not sure why I do this. I really enjoy working out and being active. Maybe it’s weather change, maybe it’s just holiday food, maybe biorhythms, but my stars are out of wack again. Anyone else go through this funk then kick yourself back into gear after a couple weeks? One thing that is a big help is coming here and reading posts and responding because I don’t like the hypocritical feelings it creates.

I did get a couple great movies in while being lazy!
Yes, I do - although as the instructor, I can't really miss class with impunity!

There have been times I showed up at my instructor's class solely because he was expecting me; at one point, he told me that there were times he showed up to teach because people were expecting him... it happens.
Red you just need a good kick in the goin to moyivate you
So, here I am. My family and I have made it through another Christmas. I haven’t gained or lost any weight. I haven’t worked out since last Wednesday. It’s been a week since I’ve gone to the gym. I’m feeling lazier than usual. I sat on my widening a$$ for three days straight. Now I don’t want to move again. I go through this about three times a year. I get into a funk I strain and struggle to get out of. I’m not sure why I do this. I really enjoy working out and being active. Maybe it’s weather change, maybe it’s just holiday food, maybe biorhythms, but my stars are out of wack again. Anyone else go through this funk then kick yourself back into gear after a couple weeks? One thing that is a big help is coming here and reading posts and responding because I don’t like the hypocritical feelings it creates.

I did get a couple great movies in while being lazy!

I do this at least twice a year. It worried me the first few times, thinking that I was slipping back into my old sedentary ways. Now I just accept it as part of the routine and look forward to the time when I will find the spark to get going again.

One technique I use for getting back into my running schedule is go out for a really easy one mile. Nice and slow, just to see how it feels. It's like pulling teeth to get moving, but once the dust has been shaken off it's pretty easy to get back on schedule.
Wait a few days. Shouldn't "World's Bigger Loser" be on TV again soon?

Heck, that show would motivate Nicole Richie to loose weight.

Er, wait a minute.:uhohh:
I hate Christmas break just because of the week of "no classes" that follows. I always tell myself, just practice patterns or something to stay in the rhythm of training. Doesn't work so well. Now that I have a key to the gym however, I just go to the gym on normal class days and workout. Just being on the floor does wonders for my mental and physical well being!
On the 13th I took a hapkido test. On the 20th I took a tae kwon do test. The month of October had been nuts, two tournaments. So, last night I thought about going to class. I thought to myself though that I had some house projects to work on.

At any rate, I didn't make it. However, I am going tonight. I feel a bit sluggish though, it always happens to me in the months of december and july for some reason. The thing is, I hate missing class, so I did a workout in my basement. It isn't the same though.
Usually during the holiday season I get martial arts related gifts such as books or DVDs. Watching or reading about the subject keeps me from getting lazy and not working out on my own. Occasionally I will host a few students over the house for some back yard training. I actually think a small break from regular class is a good thing once in a while.
OK, OK, I went to the gym last night. I really enjoy lifting, as much as I enjoy Tae Kwon Do. I'm still fighting the holiday preverbial hang over but I will be hitting the wieghts (and a heavy bag) again tomorow. I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes through a funk once in a while. I'm using a quote for motivation. I'm sure most of you will recognize it. It's in my signiture.

Glad to hear you are back to training. Sometimes a little time off gives one a chance to refresh and refocus.

I find the folks who show up for class during the holidays are usually the more serious students. We have a great work-out and I try to give them something a little extra for their interest.

I planned to hold class over vacation (the Y is off-session the weeks of XMas and New Years) but the snow storms killed that off... my class meets Monday and Thursday, and the Mondays were out (holidays) and it snowed heavily for both Thursdays, which really annoyed me. Still, better safe students than students who got hurt driving in heavy snow and ice... and the Y was closed due to weather on at least one of those 2 days.