Latest TOW Sophisticated Basics

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You CAN'T be that out of "Touch" that you can't see that he was joking,

Good grief...and they say women are touchy!

Back to the mats,


Look DanC I'm still light today ;)
May I suggest re-reading the first page in this thread, with particular attention to "Touch's" remark:

"I just watched the latest tip of the week and then read on the Kenponet that Angella didn't throw a real attack because she was afraid that she would get hurt. My point is if a female is pulling her attacks because she doesn't feel her instructor has the control to handle it without hurting her, perhaps real attacks are never dealt with in that school."

The statement is followed by "Cool," claiming that, "what she did is full of balony. I forgot what belt she is. She is scared," and by "MJS," writing that, "Sean- I read that also. Due to the trouble that I may start, I think for now, I'll remain silent."

It is exactly a matter of patronizing a woman martial artist because she is a woman, as well as a matter of grinding some other weird little axe.

Personally, I'd suggest that issues like, "fear," and "intimidation," are absolutely a part of martial arts training. I could tell you a funny story or three about what happens to you when you hit Angela, but what's the point? Instead, I'll tell you this--I've been doing it for six-seven years now, since green belt, and I still have butterflies and more right before advanced classes. I still hear my heart pound right before I start to spar. I still think that if you're never afraid or intimidated, you're either insensitive, disconnected, or out of your mind.


It is quite proper to have a little fear. Tunes you up, cuts down on those stupid mistakes--and reminds you that where I train, at least, you can get damaged in ways that are going to take some serious recovery time if you are not careful. And even then, accidents can happen...

The problem is dealing with it, not suppressing it and then swaggering about.
Again, I invite interested readers (whoever the hell that would be at this point) to go back, check the first page of this thread, and see if I misquoted anyobdy or changed the context in which they wrote. It did look to me as though Mike was agreeing, and that is of course a matter of interpretation--an interpretation that I suspect many would be likely to make, but (as Mike says) perhaps not the correct one.

I'd also recommend considering how you want to take Mike's advice on how to do a teaching video properly, "Oh and as for the tip....believe it or not, I actually thought it was very good. Like Angela said, depending on how she throws the punch, will determine how Larry responds. The faster she went, the faster he'd have to go. IMO, the best way to avoid people saying if it will work or not, is to first do it quick. By doing this, it takes away any doubt that the tech. didnt work. Then by going back and giving that detailed example people can see what happened."

Again, I suggest this: posting your own videos, or discussing exactly how you teach, or explaining how you'd handle a concept like, "sophisticated basics," so others can get a peek.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson

Again, I suggest this: posting your own videos, or discussing exactly how you teach, or explaining how you'd handle a concept like, "sophisticated basics," so others can get a peek.

Why people can't have their own opinion about something they see ??????

you have yours, why not other????
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Again, I invite interested readers (whoever the hell that would be at this point) to go back, check the first page of this thread, and see if I misquoted anyobdy or changed the context in which they wrote. It did look to me as though Mike was agreeing, and that is of course a matter of interpretation--an interpretation that I suspect many would be likely to make, but (as Mike says) perhaps not the correct one.

I'd also recommend considering how you want to take Mike's advice on how to do a teaching video properly, "Oh and as for the tip....believe it or not, I actually thought it was very good. Like Angela said, depending on how she throws the punch, will determine how Larry responds. The faster she went, the faster he'd have to go. IMO, the best way to avoid people saying if it will work or not, is to first do it quick. By doing this, it takes away any doubt that the tech. didnt work. Then by going back and giving that detailed example people can see what happened."

Again, I suggest this: posting your own videos, or discussing exactly how you teach, or explaining how you'd handle a concept like, "sophisticated basics," so others can get a peek.

Again Robert. you simply assumed that I was commenting negativly about the tip, when in fact, I said what I did, cuz I knew no matter what I said, you would take it the wrong way.

As for the video. Let me explain to you again Robert. Seems to me that considering you've been teaching for as long as you've had, that in all your time you have never been questioned by a student?? Hmm...makes me wonder. Anyway, let me explain. By doing a tech. quickly, it leaves the viewers with little doubt. I've been questioned many times by students who ask, "Well, would that work if he was realy resisting?" I'm not gonna tell them, "Well, yes it would due to the fact that it has been proven by Master X and in life and death battles." No, instead I'm going to show them that I can do the tech. and make it work....with someone resisting. Again, this is just the way that I go about doing it, but I can see that just cuz its different than you, you think that its wrong. Well ya know Rob, we all train differently.

If Larry or Clyde or you teach differently, then fine, but that doesnt make my teaching methods bad. I guess in your eyes it does.

After doing it quickly, I then go about with the explaination of the tech. showing the finer points. I then have them pair off and do the tech. Slowly and then gradually picking up the pace with the opp. throwing the punch faster and giving more resistance.

You see Robert, all you had to do is ask. All of this could have been avoided but instead you chose to assume that I was ragging on the tech, when in fact I was doing no such thing.

The problem here Rob is that no matter what the comment is, good or bad, there is always a misunderstanding. Nobody else can have or give any feedback? Nobody else can do it different than your Inst cuz he does it the best? Very poor attitude to have IMO!!!

Mike Slosek
"As for the video. Let me explain to you again Robert. Seems to me that considering you've been teaching for as long as you've had, that in all your time you have never been questioned by a student?? Hmm...makes me wonder. Anyway, let me explain. By doing a tech. quickly, it leaves the viewers with little doubt. I've been questioned many times by students who ask, "Well, would that work if he was realy resisting?" I'm not gonna tell them, "Well, yes it would due to the fact that it has been proven by Master X and in life and death battles." No, instead I'm going to show them that I can do the tech. and make it work....with someone resisting. Again, this is just the way that I go about doing it, but I can see that just cuz its different than you, you think that its wrong. Well ya know Rob, we all train differently."

I see. So, a) there's no assertion here that I'm too dumb to understand in "let me explain it to you again," b) no suggestion that I don't know how to teach, in, "teaching for as long as you've have never been questioned...makes me wonder," c) no claim that Mr. Tatum doesn't know how to do a teaching video properly, in, "it leaves the viewers with little doubt," d) no putting words in anybody's mouth in, "I'm not gonna tell them," and e) no hint that you train properly and I don't in, "Instead I'm going to show them that I can do the tech and make it work...with someone resisting...ya know Rob, we all train differently."

Huh. It must just be me.

On your description--when teaching, is it the point to show the student that you can do a technique fast and strong, or is it the point to teach the student the basics of the technique so that they can eventually learn to do it fast and strong themselves?

Oh, and two more things--a) you might want to scope out, "Cool's" posts on other threads before you agree with him too much, and b) it'll be easier for me to see what it is your school does if you'll post your own videos, or at least offer your own detailed descriptions of the ways you teach concepts such as, "sophisticated basics."
Originally posted by rmcrobertson

Again, I suggest this: posting your own videos, or discussing exactly how you teach, or explaining how you'd handle a concept like, "sophisticated basics," so others can get a peek.
Those are available for sale. I would be happy to post the website for you. I think you will agree that if you are preforming a move correctly what ever gets in the way will be effected. And to be physicaly fast you must hit a target so you arent putting on the brakes as when punching in the air, and I was suggesting that spirutual fitness is the master key for speed and power because it removes the mental brakes so to speak and you took it as an attack on women and now yourself. How can I teach you what we do, if what we do is ostensibly offending you?
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
"As for the video. Let me explain to you again Robert. Seems to me that considering you've been teaching for as long as you've had, that in all your time you have never been questioned by a student?? Hmm...makes me wonder. Anyway, let me explain. By doing a tech. quickly, it leaves the viewers with little doubt. I've been questioned many times by students who ask, "Well, would that work if he was realy resisting?" I'm not gonna tell them, "Well, yes it would due to the fact that it has been proven by Master X and in life and death battles." No, instead I'm going to show them that I can do the tech. and make it work....with someone resisting. Again, this is just the way that I go about doing it, but I can see that just cuz its different than you, you think that its wrong. Well ya know Rob, we all train differently."

I see. So, a) there's no assertion here that I'm too dumb to understand in "let me explain it to you again," b) no suggestion that I don't know how to teach, in, "teaching for as long as you've have never been questioned...makes me wonder," c) no claim that Mr. Tatum doesn't know how to do a teaching video properly, in, "it leaves the viewers with little doubt," d) no putting words in anybody's mouth in, "I'm not gonna tell them," and e) no hint that you train properly and I don't in, "Instead I'm going to show them that I can do the tech and make it work...with someone resisting...ya know Rob, we all train differently."

Huh. Guess the last twenty five years of studying texts, interpretation and teaching have gone for the old naught. It must just be me.

You assuming again Robert??

A- "Let me explain again"--Just trying to reiterate my point to you again about what I was trying to say.

B--Never said you didnt know how to teach. Dont put words into my mouth please. I was offering an example of how I teach.

C--Never said that the video was bad or that he didnt know what he was doing. I was making an observation.

D--"I'm not gonna tell them"--That simply means that I'm not going to tell them that this tech works cuz someone told me that it would. Instead I'm going to show them that it works. I want them to see that I can do it, and that they can make it work also.

E-- Never said that you're training was wrong here Rob. As I've said before, we all train differently. I was giving an example of the way i train. I can see that it doesnt meet up to your standards and thats fine. You're confident with what you're doing and I'm confident with what I'm doing.

There are all types of Inst. Robert. Some are better at Kata than others, while some excell in SD, and some excell in sparring. You can have one person who sucks as a teacher, but when it comes to doing SD, he rocks! We as humans are all unique. You have your methods of doing something, I have mine, Clyde has his, etc. Just cuz one person does something a little different, does that make it wrong?

Mike Slosek
it'll be easier for me to see what it is your school does if you'll post your own videos, or at least offer your own detailed descriptions of the ways you teach concepts such as, "sophisticated basics." [/B]

LOL! Thats a good one. Hmm...If I remember correctly, back on the KN, there was a discussion about mult. attackers. I gave my POV and you of course questioned it. I then asked you what you would do in that situation and you replied that you'd run, which of course is a smart thing to do. I then asked you, well, thats fine and dandy, but what if you cant run. If I recall correctly, you never replied back to me. Hmm. Why not? You sit here and constantly challenge others but when the challenge is offered to you, you always find some way to talk your way out of it.

Besides even if I did offer my ways of doing the basics, you'd probably say in a round about way that it was incorrect cuz its not the way you do them.

Mike Slosek
Well, Mike, I agree with your generalizations at the end.

I suspect that if you posted videos, and I commented EXACTLY as you've commented, you might take a bit of umbrage.

I refer other readers to the record of Mike's posts, and my own

And Sean? here are your words on the, "spiritual fitness," issue, which you wrote in specific response to one of Angela's comments:

"Your very words suggest a spiritual fitness issue and with that you will have trouble being fast because speed and power come from a willingness to commit all your forces, muscles, and what not hurling toward a target no matter what rank it holds. You then go on to suggest that we are all in the same boat as you. That is very funny"

I should be very happy to see one of your videos; could you post a link to it, as you mentioned?
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
"You sit here and constantly challenge others but when the challenge is offered to you, you always find some way to talk your way out of it."

Well, as Jack Benny usedta say, "Weeelllll...."

And a challenge was offered to me to call Clyde and I did. We had a great chat and I intend on calling him again. Heres an idea Robert. Rather than sit here and go back and forth, why dont you PM your number to me and I'd be more than happy to give you a call. I think that actually talking to someone, rather than fighting online is a much better approach.

Mike Slosek
Sorry, nope. Unlike Clyde, who's crazy (in a really good way) I choose to carry on such...discussions...ONLY in public. It's an academic thang. And, I might add, some of your...let's just say, "personal remarks," do not encourage talking to you on the phone. My bad, perhaps; Clyde certainly mentioned that he enjoyed your phone conversation.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Well, Mike, I agree with your generalizations at the end.

I suspect that if you posted videos, and I commented EXACTLY as you've commented, you might take a bit of umbrage.

I refer other readers to the record of Mike's posts, and my own

And Sean? here are your words on the, "spiritual fitness," issue, which you wrote in specific response to one of Angela's comments:

"Your very words suggest a spiritual fitness issue and with that you will have trouble being fast because speed and power come from a willingness to commit all your forces, muscles, and what not hurling toward a target no matter what rank it holds. You then go on to suggest that we are all in the same boat as you. That is very funny"

I should be very happy to see one of your videos; could you post a link to it, as you mentioned?
Go to you will find a whole mess of tapes on any subject you like. As far as veiwing me screwing up kenpo I'm sure I'm on a highlight vid somewhere at some rank.
Well, Mike, I guess you've just got bigger...stones. Though could I ask, again, that you offfer some online Tips of your own, in one form or another?

And, "Cool?" I do listen. And I read carefully. That seems to be the problem.

Are you still thinking about starting to train again? Why not write about that, and discuss exactly who you used to train with, and how things were done, rather than doing stuff like hassling women who get on a forum to ask questions about their kid's training?

Except for Mike, I still don't see any details in what anybody has to say about this latest Tip.
"After doing it quickly, I then go about with the explaination of the tech. showing the finer points. I then have them pair off and do the tech. Slowly and then gradually picking up the pace with the opp. throwing the punch faster and giving more resistance."

I am pretty sure I explained that WAY earlier that Larry Tatum (and the rest of the class) does do this, IN class and AT seminars. When you're showing TIPS from week to week, the point here is to give people an IDEA of what is happening at our school and for you to build on in ANYWAY you choose to.

Not sure how much clearer I can make that other than come to Advanced Class on any given Wed night from 7:30pm - 8:30pm IF you care to see what's really happening at the school.

Otherwise, it's all just food for thought and not a way of trying to get people to "change their training methods" but only try and give you something to add to or take away from it.


Back to the mats,


Swatting at Winged Monkeys
Well, I may be goofy and I certainly have never been cool.

Originally posted by kenpoangel
"After doing it quickly, I then go about with the explaination of the tech. showing the finer points. I then have them pair off and do the tech. Slowly and then gradually picking up the pace with the opp. throwing the punch faster and giving more resistance."

I am pretty sure I explained that WAY earlier that Larry Tatum (and the rest of the class) does do this, IN class and AT seminars. When you're showing TIPS from week to week, the point here is to give people an IDEA of what is happening at our school and for you to build on in ANYWAY you choose to.

Not sure how much clearer I can make that other than come to Advanced Class on any given Wed night from 7:30pm - 8:30pm IF you care to see what's really happening at the school.

Otherwise, it's all just food for thought and not a way of trying to get people to "change their training methods" but only try and give you something to add to or take away from it.


Back to the mats,


Swatting at Winged Monkeys

Point taken Angela. That was all robert had to say. As for coming to the class....well, next time I'm planning a vac. maybe I'll come to Cali. Again, considering that I dont live in CA. or really know what its like to train at your school, I only can go by what I read on here.

IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT ROBERT! (a la the Brady Bunch and the feuding Jan and Marsha Brady)

Mike I did say this earlier. Earlier in this strand, in other posts on Kenponet and well, earlier just in general.

I've been saying it all along but I guess people are only willing to listen if Robert says it? Don't even let this be about a girl thing huh? Don't worry my feelings aren't hurt. If I had one this would have done it though...lemme tell ya' :shrug: j/k seriously.

NO ONE is trying to get ANYONE to change their training methods. As F'd up as it seems (no wait...that's bad) we're all here for the same thing and that's to train to the best of our abilities to get us out of a tight spot SHOULD it occur. I don't walk into my studio looking for that "threat" nor do I find it there once I'm inside. Do I train with a bunch of die hards? Absolutely, but I know at the end of that hour, we're gonna walk off the mats, go eat sushi and drink the coldest Kirin this side of the Missippi (purposefully misspelled in case Robt's watchin' ;)) THERE IS NO THREAT FROM THESE PEOPLE but we do train realistically. Will it be the same from the streets? No...CAUSE THE THREAT IS THERE! Will my spiritual fitness kick in? You damned skippy because the shock from it being th real thing will make me mad and when I get mad well I get scared and when I get scared I get mad all over again and oh boy....they won't like it when I'm angry (ask Mr. McGee).

Anyway, I just hope that everyone can just sit back and take a little bit of something from the TOW and not sit down with the attitude of, "TOW is! Let's see what we can TEAR APART this week!"

Thanks for listening,,,


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