Originally posted by rmcrobertson
"As for the video. Let me explain to you again Robert. Seems to me that considering you've been teaching for as long as you've had, that in all your time you have never been questioned by a student?? Hmm...makes me wonder. Anyway, let me explain. By doing a tech. quickly, it leaves the viewers with little doubt. I've been questioned many times by students who ask, "Well, would that work if he was realy resisting?" I'm not gonna tell them, "Well, yes it would due to the fact that it has been proven by Master X and in life and death battles." No, instead I'm going to show them that I can do the tech. and make it work....with someone resisting. Again, this is just the way that I go about doing it, but I can see that just cuz its different than you, you think that its wrong. Well ya know Rob, we all train differently."
I see. So, a) there's no assertion here that I'm too dumb to understand in "let me explain it to you again," b) no suggestion that I don't know how to teach, in, "teaching for as long as you've had...you have never been questioned...makes me wonder," c) no claim that Mr. Tatum doesn't know how to do a teaching video properly, in, "it leaves the viewers with little doubt," d) no putting words in anybody's mouth in, "I'm not gonna tell them," and e) no hint that you train properly and I don't in, "Instead I'm going to show them that I can do the tech and make it work...with someone resisting...ya know Rob, we all train differently."
Huh. Guess the last twenty five years of studying texts, interpretation and teaching have gone for the old naught. It must just be me.